Soldering of nickel and nickel alloys

Are you interested in soldering nickel and nickel alloys from the supplier company AvecGlob? Here you will find interesting information on this topic.
Technology features
Qualitative soldering of nickel and its alloys is possible with the use of non-acid fluxes based on ionic liquids. Ionic liquids, in fact, are salts of acids, and therefore strongly polar. Because of their polarity and the ability to form complex ions, they are also a good dissolution of a variety of chemical compounds that usually dissolve only in highly active acidic media or caustic aqueous solutions. This technology is widely used in electroplating, electropolishing, electrochemistry, and other engineering applications.
The application of solder based on ionic liquids eliminates the need for an inert or reducing atmosphere, specialized equipment and special pretreatment. Remains of solder can be quickly removed in warm water. After the conducted researches it is established that solders based on ionic liquid media can be used not only for soldering of nickel and its alloys, but also for joining by brazing of copper, brass, silver, gold, iron and stainless steel. The soldering temperature does not exceed 160−400 ° C.
Supplier — AvekGlob Company — offers at a reasonable price from the manufacturer a wide range of brazed constructions made of nickel and alloys based on it. The supplier guarantees the timely delivery of products to any address specified by the consumer.
Recommendations on the technology of soldering nickel and nickel alloys
For high-quality soldering, you need:
Use as much as possible a chemically active flux;
Work at the lowest possible heating temperature to prevent formation of an oxide film on the surface of the soldered joint;
Use for soldering only thoroughly cleaned from foreign matter and defatted parts;
Use a high-powered soldering iron to reduce the time required for heating;
The increased percentage of phosphorus in the nickel alloy sharply worsens the conditions for soldering, and helps to increase the brittleness of the material in the soldered joint zone.
Soldering pure nickel is most effective with the use of boron and its compounds — borates. In particular, dimethylaminoborane is used, the properties of which allow successful soldering of thin nickel parts. However, as the thickness of the parts increases, the rate of soldering decreases, since in this case it is very difficult to control the pH values.
Supplier — AvekGlob company — offers to purchase various brazed constructions made of nickel or nickel alloys. Products can be bought at a price formed on the basis of European and world standards of production. Implementation is possible in bulk and retail, for regular customers, a flexible system of discounts operates.