Nichromium tape, the band X20N80 - 2.4869 - Ni80Cr20

general characteristics
Nichrome is called an alloy of two main components. The first of these is nickel, which dissolves other metals, while retaining properties such as ductility, viscosity, heat resistance, corrosion resistance in aggressive industrial environments. The second component — chrome, has a high corrosion resistance, heat resistance. Nichrome also contains iron, silicon, phosphorus, titanium, aluminum, manganese, carbon. Their total share is usually up to one percent.
Key Features
They are due to the merits of nickel and chromium, among which the main ones are significant electrical resistivity and heat resistance. The brand Х20Н80 is able to work at tº up to 1200ºС, and Х15Н60 — up to 1125 ° C. Heat resistance directly depends on the percentage of nickel. Resistance to corrosion, low temperature coefficient of expansion, high specific resistivity allow the use of nichrome tape for the production of high-temperature heating devices, which are operated without fail in an aggressive industrial environment. The ductility of the tape makes it possible to subject it to virtually any kind of treatment.
High ductility and viscosity of nichrome allows rolling up to 0.1 mm thick. Ribbon is usually supplied with rolls. It is used to convert the electrical potential into heat — producing resistance nodes, starting rheostats. Important advantages are the minimum weight, resistance to vibration, which makes it possible to use it for cranes, the production of start-up resistor blocks. Such resistors contribute to a more smooth start of the electric motors, help with the regulation of braking, the speed of operation of electric motors of direct or alternating current.
The X20H80 tape is usually used for the production of industrial water heaters, electric heating appliances; When making cutting edges of thermo-knives (for sealing polyethylene bags); Electric driers; Thermocouples of firing ovens. X15N60 tape is often used for the manufacture of resistors that do not pretend to high accuracy, but they, because of the cheapness, are economically viable.
According to the requirement of Gosstandart, the manufacture is carried out by rolling or electrolytic method. Products with a thickness of 0.1 mm are supplied with rolls, the dimensions of which are 40 — 20 m. The tape thickness is more than 0.1 mm, it is produced in a soft thermal state. Due to its unique properties, it is in great demand. The cost of the product depends on the market value of nickel and chromium.
Buy at a bargain price
In the warehouse, Avek Global Ltd. is the widest range of heat-resistant alloys. We supply high quality goods at the best possible price. Our managers are always glad to help you with the decision of the arisen questions at a choice of necessary materials, promptly will give the necessary information on the goods, the prices and delivery terms. The cost of the products from the nichrome depends on the volume of delivery and the parameters of the products. The implementation of orders takes minimal time. Wholesale buyers receive preferential discounts.