Inconel 792® - alloy 792 circle, wire, pipe

Do you want to buy a circle, wire, pipe from the alloy Inconel 792? (Alloy 792) from the supplier — the company AvecGlob? Here you will find the necessary information on this topic
Buy at an affordable price from the manufacturer of a circle, wire, pipe, which are made of nickel alloy Inconel 792® (also called Alloy 792), offers the company AvekGlob. The supplier guarantees timely delivery of rolled metal to any address specified by the customer.
Composition and application
Inconel 792® alloy (Alloy 792) is used for manufacturing rotors and sealing elements of turbine equipment, it also produces blades, burners, combustion chambers and heat exchanger tubes. From the alloy under consideration, parts of petrochemical equipment, industrial fasteners, pressure vessels, exhaust fans and much more are manufactured. Maximum operating temperatures for products from this alloy should not exceed 880… 930 0 С (for a short time up to 1070 0 С).
Secondary processing of the Inconel 792 alloy is used for the smelting of most nickel alloys. In many cases, due to good resistance to corrosion, erosion and oxidation, its use is more indicated than stainless steel or aluminum.
The chemical composition of the alloy (numerical data in percent, nickel — the rest) is given below:
Carbon — no more than 0.21;
Manganese — no more than 0.21;
Silicon — no more than 0.21;
Chromium — 12.7;
Molybdenum 2.0;
Aluminum — 3,2;
Titanium — 4,2;
Cobalt — 9.0;
Bora — 0,02;
Other (tungsten — 3.9, tantalum — 3.9, zirconium 0.10).
Company Avecglobal sells at a cost-effective price from the manufacturer a circle, wire, pipe, made of nickel alloy Inconel 792 ® (Alloy 792). The supplier performs a guaranteed shipment of products to any point set by the customer.
Basic physical characteristics of the alloy:
Density, kg / m 3 — 7800;
Melting point, 0 С — 1220;
The coefficient of thermal expansion in the temperature range 20… 100 0 С, μm / deg — 17,5;
The coefficient of thermal conductivity in the temperature range 20… 100 0 С, W / mgrad — 16.2;
Specific heat capacity, J / kg deg — 500;
Modulus of elasticity, GPa — 190… 210.
Mechanical characteristics of the alloy:
The limit of temporary resistance, MPa — 515;
Yield strength, MPa — 275;
Relative elongation at stretching,% — not less than 40;
Hardness according to Brinell, HB, not more — 231.
Technological features of the alloy are good weldability, which is used for joining parts made of alloys containing cobalt.
AvekGlob company offers to purchase at affordable prices from the manufacturer a pipe, circle or wire from nickel alloy of Inconel 792® brand (Alloy 792). The supplier makes immediate delivery of the products to any point agreed by the customer.