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16X - ep638 tape, circle, wire

Are you interested in a ribbon, a circle, 16X alloy wire (EP 638) from a supplier — the company AvekGlob? Here you will find the necessary information on this topic To purchase at a reasonable price from the manufacturer, a tape, circle or wire made of a precision magnetically soft alloy grade 16X (EP 638) is offered by AvecGlob. The supplier guarantees the timely delivery of products to any address specified by the consumer. Composition and application Alloy 16X belongs to the group of alloys characterized by increased values of magnetic induction in weak and medium fields, with low coercive force and increased corrosion resistance in some acidic and aggressive media. The alloy contains an increased amount of chromium and is used as an element of thermal resistors in industrial heating installations, the operating temperatures of which do not exceed 11000С. A characteristic feature of the material under consideration is high magnetic saturation, which is completely preserved after its heat treatment of all soft magnetic alloys and exceeds in applications where this attribute is needed. Therefore, the use of alloy 16X (EP 638) is advisable in details and nodes, which in the course of their operation experience significant mechanical loads. The alloy is used in the production of special engines used in the aerospace industry, in electromagnets for medical purposes, power generators, special transformers, pole parts for electromagnets, in magnetic bearings, as well as in instruments with high magnetic flux. The chemical composition of the alloy is regulated by the technical requirements of GOST 10994−74. It is given in the table: C Si Mn Ni SP Cr Not more than 0.015 Not more than 0.2 Not more than 0.3 Not more than 0.3 Not more than 0.015 Not more than 0.015 15.5… 16.5 The company Avecglobal sells at a cost-effective prices from the manufacturer a tape, a circle and a wire of magnetic soft chromium alloy grade 16X (EP 638). The supplier ensures guaranteed delivery of products to any point set by the customer. Properties The main physical characteristics of the alloy: • Density, kg / m3 — 7750; • Melting point, 0С — 1420; • Magnetostriction of saturation — 2.6 • 10−7; • Coefficient of linear expansion in the temperature range 20… 9000С, mcm / degree — 12.3; • Specific electrical resistance, Ohm • m — 4.4 • 1011; • Modulus of elasticity, GPa — 220. Basic mechanical characteristics: • Temporary resistance limit, MPa — 250… 390 (lower values for non-rolled products); • Yield strength, MPa — 196; • Relative elongation at tension,% — 5… 25 (lower values for hard-rolled steel); • Relative narrowing of the cross section. % — 62; • Hardness according to Brinell, HB, not more — 185. Technological features: the alloy differs by magnetic induction with high saturation and the coefficient of large magnetostriction. To buy at affordable prices from the manufacturer a circle, a tape, a wire from a magnetically soft alloy of mark 16Х (ЭП 638) company AvekGlob offers. The supplier makes immediate delivery of the products to any point agreed by the customer.