Pipe vanadium

Supplier — AvekGlob company — offers vanadium pipe at a reasonable price from the manufacturer in a wide range of external diameters and lengths. The supplier guarantees the timely delivery of products to any address specified by the consumer.
Technical specifications
Vanadium is a silver-gray transition metal with relatively good plastic and forging properties. Vanadium is paramagnetic.
Urgency of application
The main application of pipes from vanadium is pipelines of complex configuration, which are used for pumping chemically aggressive media (except for hydrofluoric acid, as well as a mixture of nitric and sulfuric acids). Vanadium pipes are used in chemical, petrochemical and gas industries. Due to the fact that vanadium actively absorbs neutrons, pipes from this metal find application also in nuclear power engineering.
Chemical composition
In the production of pipes made of vanadium, 99.5% pure metal is used. The main impurities are nitrogen, oxygen, cadmium, bismuth. To remove them, high-temperature annealing is used. The final composition of the pipes from vanadium is:
- Iron — 0,04… 0,35%;
- Silicon — 0.003… 0.25%;
- Aluminum — 0,01… 0,35%;
- Sulfur — 0.08… 0.2%;
- Carbon is 0.2… 1.7%.
Physical and mechanical properties
- Density, kg / m 3 — 6110;
- Melting point, 0 С — 1910;
- Specific heat capacity, J / kggrad — 249.5;
- Modulus of elasticity, GPa — 127.6;
- Coefficient of thermal conductivity at room temperature, W / megade — 30,8;
- The limit of temporary resistance, MPa — 800;
- Limit of plasticity, MPa — 125.5;
- Relative elongation at tension,% — 30;
- Hardness for Brinell, HB, not more than 165.
Assortment and application features
The vanadium tube is supplied in the following assortment: the outer diameter is from 1 to 170 mm with a wall thickness of 0.1 to 5 mm. Length — according to the order, but no more than 2000 mm.
Vanadium pipes are not used if the pumped medium has a temperature of about 300 ° C or higher: at these temperatures, the metal becomes brittle. Weldability of vanadium is satisfactory: the method of welding with a tungsten non-consumable electrode in helium or argon is used.
Supplier — AvekGlob Company — offers to purchase a vanadium pipe in a variety of profiles, diameters and wall thickness. Products can be bought at a price formed on the basis of European and world standards of production. Implementation is possible in bulk and retail, for regular customers, a flexible system of discounts operates.