Application of nickel alloys

Are you interested in the field of application of various nickel alloys from the supplier company AvecGlob? Here you will find interesting information on this topic.
General properties of nickel alloys
Nickel alloys are widely used because of their high corrosion resistance, including at high temperatures, and also because of their special magnetic and thermal properties.
The main types of nickel alloys that have received practical application:
Iron-nickel-chrome alloys
Stainless steels
Copper-nickel alloys
Nickel-chrome alloys
Magnetic alloys.
Nickel alloys are used wherever higher strength is required than pure nickel, as well as corrosion resistance in active alkaline environments. Nickel alloys with chromium are widely used in cases where heat resistance and / or corrosion resistance is required. They are not suitable for high-temperature sulfur-containing media. But where corrosion resistance is significant, molybdenum is used as an alloying additive. Alloys of nickel with vanadium, tungsten and titanium are also used for high-temperature applications.
Supplier — AvekGlob Company — offers at a reasonable price from the manufacturer a diverse range of nickel-based alloys. The supplier guarantees the timely delivery of products to any address specified by the consumer.
Special groups of nickel alloys
Stainless steels that contain at least 8−10% nickel. Used for domestic purposes (spoons and forks, pots and kitchen sinks). and industrial needs;
Steels, which, in addition to nickel, also include titanium and molybdenum. Used for the manufacture of parts of marine equipment, as well as in construction and architecture;
An alloy of the Monel type, which contains at least 63% nickel, 28−34% copper and a maximum of 2% manganese and 2.5% iron. They are used when it is necessary to provide high strength (for example, in equipment that operates in alkaline environments), as well as in the manufacture of parts of heat exchangers.
Nickel-chrome alloys are widely used in cases where heat resistance and / or corrosion resistance is required. Sometimes, for lesser applications, some of the nickel can be replaced by iron (a cost reduction is achieved), but the total nickel content can not be less than 3… 4%.
To achieve high temperature resistance, nickel alloys containing molybdenum are used. This is HASTELLOY, INCOLOY, INCONEL, NICROFER and NIMONIC (sometimes titanium, tungsten or vanadium is added to the composition).
Alloys with controlled temperature expansion are used to stabilize the linear dimensions of products operated at sharply different external temperatures (precision springs, sealing elements for glass or ceramics).
Sometimes, the use of materials with high magnetic permeability is required to minimize power requirements and to create a strong magnetic field (head of the recorder, and other equipment for magnetic recording, protection around devices with cathode radiation).
An alloy is used with 70−80% nickel and with small amounts of molybdenum and / or copper. The usual trade names for this group are MU-METAL and PERMALLOY. To achieve a permanent magnetic permeability in the range of certain magnetic flux densities (electrical engineering, telephony), nickel alloys of the PERMINVAR type containing about 45% nickel, 30% iron and 25% cobalt are used.
Supplier — AvekGlob Company — offers to purchase various brands of nickel alloys. Products can be bought at a price formed on the basis of European and world standards of production. Implementation is possible in bulk and retail, for regular customers, a flexible system of discounts operates.