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10KH14G14N4T - эи711 sheet, round, wire

General characteristics
Brand 10KH14G14N4T refers to bromomalonate-Nickel austenitic steels. Is smelted in electric arc furnaces. Used in the manufacture of welded equipment weak aggressiveness for the chemical industry, cryogenic engineering, in the manufacture of parts of heat exchangers and furnace valve with operating temperature not more than 700 °C (sheet metal parts of muffles, furnace rollers, screens). This alloy is a cost-doped analogue of the brand X18H10, produced in accordance with GOST: 5582−75; 25054−81; 5632−72; 5949−75; 4405−75, 7350−77, as well as the technical condition 14−1-170−72.
The chemical composition of the alloy 10KH14G14N4T
Fe | Cr | C | Mn | S | P | Ni | Ti | Si |
DOS. | From 13 to 15 | ≤0,1 | From 13 to 15 | ≤0,02 | ≤0,035 | From 2.8 to 4.5 | 5·(P-0,02)-0,6 | ≤0,8 |
Physical properties
The thermal conductivity at 100 °C is 17.5 W/(m · K); density is 7.8 g/cm3; the elastic modulus is 19.6·10-4 N/mm2; equal to the specific heat 481 j/(kg · K); coefficient of linear thermal expansion α · 16,1 10-6/°C magnetic saturation of 1.04 · 104 (T · m)2 /A.
Technological features
This brand, thanks to its balanced chemical composition has high weldability, which allows to produce the most sophisticated design without special equipment and without additional heat treatment after welding. At increased requirements to bond strength, the product is subjected to such heat treatment as quenching at 1000 — 1100ºС with cooling in water or air. This treatment promotes the normalization of internal stresses in the alloy and increasing the strength characteristics of parts. Welding is performed by TIG manual and automatic. To protect the seams from intergranular corrosion of parts subjected to final heat treatment.
Manufacturing of cryogenic equipment, welded equipment for environments of weak aggression, in the manufacture of parts of heat exchangers and furnace valve with operating temperature not more than 700 °C (sheet metal parts of muffles, furnace rollers, screens). From this alloy cast ingots rolled plates, strips, rods, sheets, wire. Alloy tubes 10KH14G14N4T demanded in chemical industries, in industries engaged in the distillation of slightly aggressive environments. Sheets and tape are very popular in engineering and instrument making.
Buy at best price
In stock LLC «AVEK global» in the presence of a diverse range of products from alloy 10KH14G14N4T at the best prices. We offer favorable conditions of cooperation. On our website you will find all the necessary information. If necessary, advise You experienced managers who will always help with the selection. All products are certified. Delivery times are minimal. Wholesale orders are subject to preferential discounts.