Inconel 939® - alloy 939 circle, wire, pipe

Company Avecglobal sells a wide range of rolled products — circle, wire, pipe — from nickel alloy of Inconel 939® brand (Alloy 939) at reasonable prices from the manufacturer. The supplier guarantees the prompt delivery of products to any address specified by the consumer.
Composition and application
Nickel alloy grade Inconel 939® (also called Alloy 939) is characterized by increased stability of the structure and mechanical properties, which are stored up to temperatures of 680… 700 ° C. It is used for aerospace and energy technologies (working parts of turbine equipment), as well as for tooling.
The alloy is produced mainly by powder metallurgy technologies, and a method of laser step-by-step melting of the powder layer by layer is used. The process of precision casting includes vacuum casting and low-pressure casting.
In the case of vacuum casting, gas formation in cavities of molds is eliminated, thereby improving the mechanical properties of the alloy and increasing its density.
Inconel 939® (Alloy 939) is used for making castings with a large difference in wall thickness, thin-walled parts, as well as parts with complex shapes. Among them — turbine blades, spare parts for turbochargers, spare parts for locomotives, spare parts for aviation, marine parts, parts of gas turbines.
The chemical composition of the alloy is shown in the table:
Aluminum | not more than 2.5% |
Carbon | not more than 0.25% |
Chromium | 21… 23% |
Cobalt | 18… 20% |
Nickel | 43.25… 61% |
Niobium | not more than 1.5% |
Tantalum | about 2.0% |
Titanium | not more than 4.5% |
Tungsten | not more than 3.0% |
Company Avecglob proposes to purchase at a cost-effective prices from the manufacturer a circle, bar or wire, which are made from nickel alloy Inconel 939® (Alloy 939). The supplier ensures timely delivery of products to any point. installed by the client.
Basic physical characteristics of the alloy:
Density, kg / m 3 — 8070;
Melting point, 0 С — 1350… 1380;
Modulus of elasticity, GPa — 180.
Basic mechanical characteristics of the alloy:
The limit of time resistance, MPa — 980… 1020;
Yield strength, MPa — 700… 740;
Relative elongation at tension,% — not less than 30;
Relative narrowing of the cross-sectional area,% — not less than 40;
Vickers hardness, HV, no more than 302.
The technological feature of the alloy is good weldability, which is expressed in the absence of cracking along the welded joints.
Buy at affordable prices from the manufacturer of a circle, bar or wire made of nickel alloy grade Inconel 939® (Alloy 939) offers the company AvekGlob. The supplier makes immediate delivery of the products to any point agreed by the customer.