Wire cobalt

Supplier — AvekGlob company — offers cobalt wire at a reasonable price from the manufacturer in a wide range of diameters. The supplier guarantees the timely delivery of products to any address specified by the consumer /
Technical specifications
Cobalt is a brilliant, silvery-white metal with magnetic properties (ferromagnetism) and good wear resistance. In small quantities, cobalt strengthens alloyed steels and improves their operational durability. Properties of cobalt heat resistance are preserved up to temperatures of 300… 350 0 С; at higher temperatures, the metal is coated with an oxide film and reacts with sulfur and phosphorus, exhibiting increased brittleness. The production of cobalt is regulated by the technical requirements of GOST 123−2008.
Urgency of application
Because of the good magnetization of cobalt, it is used to make permanent magnets. For the manufacture of particularly powerful magnets, the metal is additionally alloyed with aluminum and nickel.
The main application of cobalt wire is the production of parts of industrial and domestic ionizers. Other applications are associated with products of jet turbines and gas turbine generators, where high-temperature strength is important. Cobalt is also included in the composition of hard alloys, which are used to make a highly resistant metal and deforming tool.
Chemical composition
GOST 123−2008 provides for the production of cobalt wire from cobalt grades K0, K1 and K2, which are obtained by electrolysis (K0) or refining (other brands). Accordingly, the content of cobalt in the wire is:
- For cobalt, K0 is 99.98%;
- For cobalt K1, it is 99.25… 99.35%;
- For cobalt K2, it is 98.3%.
The main technological impurities are: for cobalt wire K0 — aluminum, carbon, iron, copper, silicon, nickel, zinc, for K1 and K2 — additionally — bismuth, sulfur, manganese, magnesium, arsenic, tin.
Physical and mechanical properties
- Density, kg / m 3 — 8890;
- Melting point, 0 С — 1495;
- Specific heat capacity, J / kggrad — 456;
- Coefficient of thermal conductivity at room temperature, W / megade — 100;
- Coefficient of temperature expansion at room temperature, μm / deg — 12,9;
- Modulus of elasticity, GPa — 196;
- Limit of time resistance, MPa — 700;
- Yield strength, MPa — 190.
Assortment and application features
Cobalt wire is manufactured in the range of diameters from 0.75 to 2 mm. In cobalt K0, the mass fraction of manganese may be increased to 0.05%, and in cobalt K1 and K2 — up to 0.07%.
Supplier — the company AvecGlob — offers to purchase cobalt wire in a variety of brands and diameters. Products can be bought at a price formed on the basis of European and world standards of production. Implementation is possible in bulk and retail, for regular customers, a flexible system of discounts operates.