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- 79NM
Sheet, strip 79NM - magnifer 7904

The permalloy characterized as iron-Nickel alloys that have relatively high permeability in weak fields. The membership of each alloy to a particular group depends on the degree of shift of the magnetic and electrical properties and quantity of Nickel. Marking 79NM indicates that the alloy of 79% Nickel. Tape and sheet of this steel belong to the category of stainless steel products.
Tape, sheet used in mechanical high-precision devices with stable characteristics in an alternating magnetic field. Have small changes in electrical resistance dependent on the strength and direction of the fields. Tape, sheet used in the manufacture of cores of small transformers, non-contact relays, pulse transformers, magnetic amplifiers, screens. In some types of computers and automated devices permalloys with high percentage of Nickel, providing a rectangular hysteresis loop, received practical significance.
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