Welding of nickel alloys Haynes

Are you interested in welding nickel alloys by Haynes from the supplier company AvecGlob? Here you will find interesting information on this topic.
Welding electrodes made of Haynes alloy — properties
Haynes nickel alloy is widely used for the production of welding wire, which is used in the processes of gas and electric welding of nickel alloys and pure nickel. A wire made of this alloy is also used for the combined connection of most nickel alloys with stainless and ordinary steels. The most commonly used alloys Haynes 556, Haynes 617, Haynes 25 and Haynes 625. All these alloys are used as a filler for gas arc welding and welding with tungsten non-consumable electrode arc, are characterized by high temperature strength and good resistance to oxidation. The most effective use of Haynes alloys in semiautomatic and automatic welding technologies, when smooth feeding of wire from the coil through the welding equipment helps to reduce wear of the tip.
Composition (numerical data — in percent) and properties of welding wire
As an example, data on the nickel alloy Haynes 617 are given.
Chemical composition in percents:
Nickel | the basis |
Chromium | 20.0−24.0 |
Cobalt | 10.0−15.0 |
Molybdenum | 8.0−10.0 |
Iron | Not more than 3.0 |
Aluminum | 0.8−1.5 |
Manganese | Not more than 1.0 |
Silicon | Not more than 1.0 |
Titanium | Not more than 0.60 |
Copper | Not more than 0.50 |
Other | Not more than 0.50 |
Carbon | 0.05−0.15 |
Phosphorus | Not more than 0.03 |
Sulfur | Not more than 0.015 |
Mechanical properties: the ultimate strength is 620 MPa, the elongation is 25%.
Supplier — AvekGlob company — offers at a reasonable price from the manufacturer a wide range of welded structures from nickel-based alloys welded with Haynes-type alloys. The supplier guarantees the timely delivery of products to any address specified by the consumer.
Features of Haynes Alloy Welding
As a result of their increased crack resistance, these alloys provide a higher quality of welding of nickel alloys, and are less demanding for technological welding modes. Nevertheless, preferred welding processes are electrowelding with a tungsten electrode in an inert gas jet and a gas metal arc (MIG method) using 282 corrugated alloy blanks. Under certain conditions, it is possible to weld under a layer of flux, but the flux composition must be individually selected for the nickel alloy welded by this method.
Submerged arc welding using Haynes type alloys is not recommended because of high heat transfer parameters and poorly controlled melting of metal during welding. In order to improve the quality of welding of nickel alloys by Haynes type alloys, preliminary annealing of the welded workpieces is recommended.
Supplier — AvekGlob company — offers to purchase various welded constructions from nickel alloys, which are welded with the help of Heines type alloys. Products can be bought at a price formed on the basis of European and world standards of production. Implementation is possible in bulk and retail, for regular customers, a flexible system of discounts operates.