Wire 06HN28MDT - 1.4539 - aisi 904L

General characteristics
Stainless steel was discovered in 1913 by an English gunsmith Burley, who experimentally established that iron alloys containing chromium in the amount of more than 10.5%, be stainless steel. Steel grade 06HN28MDT produced in electric arc furnaces and is classified as stainless steel corrosion-resistant heat-resistant heat-resistant ordinary. It belongs to the group of steels on iron-based austenitic, fully complies with the strict requirements of state standard. It is simply processed a method of cutting, which extends the possibilities of its use. Also found another designation of this alloy — ЭИ943, a substitute can be mark 03KHN28MDT.
Chem. composition of steel 06HN28MDT regulated by GOST 18143−72 | |||||||||
Ni | Cr | Mn | Mo | Si | With | P | Ti | Fe | S |
26−29 | 22−25 | to 0.8 | 2,5−3 | to 0.8 | to 0.06 | to 0.035 | 0,5−0,9 | 36,885−46,5 | to 0.02 |
Main features
Steel wire brand 06HN28MDT is a lengthy product of heat-resistant, corrosion-resistant alloy, which has the following qualities at a temperature of 20°C:
-Conductivity 0,134x102 W/(m • K).
— The density of 7.96 g/cm3.
Hardness HB 200 MPa -1.
— Specific electrical resistivity of 0.75 Omhm2/m.
— Magnetic permeability in a field of 500 OE at 20 °C = 1,255 micro Tesla/m.
Hot treatment takes place in a temperature range of 1170 °C — 900 °C. Steel is welded with manual, automatic welding with flux, plus gas protection. In the process of manual electric arc welding using electrodes OzL-37−2, OzL-17U with wire rod St-03ХН25МДГ SV-ОЗХН25МДГБ. This type of filler material is also used for automatic arc and TIG welding. Recommended flux brand EN-18.
Construction, engineering, oil, chemical, gas industry — wherever there is contact with aggressive media. This wire is used for the production of consumer goods (clamps, hooks, nets, rings, grinders, mixers, grills, etc.). Due to the low coefficient of thermal expansion, wire brand 06HN28MDT great for production, experiencing changes in temperature — for details of heat exchange systems. For example, in tunnel ovens conveyor, ovens for drying grain. Alloy 06HN28MDT meet sanitary-epidemiological rules and regulations, beer and soft drinks, confectionery, alcohol industry food-processing industry.
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