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- Nickel alloys
- Steel KHN32T - KHN78T
KHN38VT - эи703 round, wire, tube

General characteristics
Steel brand KHN38VT is heat-resistant high-alloy carbon steel. The composition of the alloy contains Nickel 34−38%, chromium 14−16%, iron 38−47%. As additives to the charge added by Titan — about 1.1−1.5% copper, up to 0.25% phosphorus — up to 0.03%, manganese — 1−2% tungsten — 2.3 to 3.5%, molybdenum — up to 0.3% sulphur 0,02%. Brand KHN38VT belongs to the category of structural steels, which are used for the production of a variety of mechanisms, different parts of complex construction structures and mechanisms working in aggressive conditions. This alloy is difficult to weld. To increase the reliability of the weld requires preheating to 200−300°C and annealing (final heat treatment).
The chemical composition of the alloy KHN38VT ЭИ612 (%) | |||||||||||
Alloy | Cr | Ni | w | Mn | Ti | Si | Cu | Mo | P | Fe | S |
HN35VT | 14−16 | 34−38 | 2,3−3,5 | 1,0−2,0 | 1,1−1,5 | to 0.6 | to 0.25 | to 0.3 | 0.03 | The rest | to 0.02 |
Low carbon high alloy steel brand KHN38VT to increase the hardness and wear resistance enriched with carbon (cementation). Temperature raskopki products is 1170 °C first and 850 °C at the end. Finished rolled steel in the form of wire, round, rod cooled in air.
Products high temperature installations that are operated in mechanical engineering and petrochemical industries. Semi brand KHN38VT indispensable in the production of discs, flat springs, fasteners, capable of continuous operation at temperatures up to 650 °C. the operation of the products is limited to a maximum temperature of 850 °C, above which there is an active formation of scale. The circle is used in metallurgical, chemical, textile industry, wire is used for welding steel. The rod and the circle stamps KHN38VT in demand for the construction of support structures. Mandatory heat-treatment of the seams gives a more reliable connection structures. Rod, wire and the circle can be used in the construction of small objects, the decoration, the decoration of the rooms and areas of private buildings. From wire mesh to produce various types of protection.
Buy at best price
A large range of long products KHN38VT in stock LLC «AVEK global» can satisfy any consumer. The quality of the finished product is ensured absolute compliance with all technological norms of production. The order execution time is the shortest. If you have any questions, you will receive detailed advice from experienced managers. When placing wholesale orders, the company offers flexible system of discounts.