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- 29 NK
Wire 29nk - alloy

Are you interested in 29Kn alloy wire from the supplier AvecGlob? Here you will find the necessary information on this topic
Avec Glob Company sells wire made from the alloy of the brand name 29KK at reasonable prices from the manufacturers. The supplier guarantees the prompt delivery of products to any address specified by the consumer.
Composition and application
Alloy 29KK belongs to the group of Kovar — precision alloys based on iron, cobalt and nickel, which differ in small values of the coefficient of linear thermal expansion, approaching the parameters of borosilicate glass. It is intended for the manufacture of vacuum junctions of elements of various radioelectronic equipment with glasses of the type C49−1, C52−1, C48−1, C47−1.
The alloy has pronounced ferromagnetic properties. Its smelting is carried out in electric furnaces. The alloy has no anticorrosive properties, therefore, when used in environments with high humidity, and also containing aggressive components, the parts should be nickel plated.
The wire made of the alloy 29KNK is used in optical instruments intended for operation in aerospace systems, as well as in high-precision semiconductor devices of automation devices.
The chemical alloy of the alloy that meets the technical requirements of GOST 10994−74 is presented in the table (numerical data in percent, iron base):
Si | Mn | Ni | S | P | Cr | Co | Ti | Al | Cu |
Not more than 0.03 | Not more than 0.3 | Not more than 0.4 | 28.5… 29.5 | Not more than 0.015 | Not more than 0.015 | Not more than 0.1 | 17… 18 | Not more than 0.1 | Not more than 0.2 | Not more than 0.2 |
To buy at economically advantageous prices from manufacturers, the AvecGlob Company offers wire from a precision alloy of the brand name 29KNK. The supplier ensures the immediate dispatch of products to any point. marked by the client.
Basic physical characteristics of the alloy:
Density, kg / m 3 — 8200;
Melting point, 0 С — 1450;
Specific electrical resistance, Ohm — 5,010 11 ;
Modulus of elasticity, GPa — 145;
The coefficient of linear expansion in the temperature range -70… + 420 0 С, μm / degree, no more than 4,5… 6,5.
Basic mechanical properties of the alloy:
The limit of the time resistance, MPa — 610… 920 (lower values — for the non-worked alloy);
Yield strength, MPa — 380;
Coefficient of relative elongation at tension,% — 22;
Hardness in Brinell, HB, not more than 180.
Technological features: the ability to weld and solder — good, machinability cutting — satisfactory (requires the use of small cutting speeds and the use of carbide tools). Cold pressure treatment is possible after preliminary annealing.
Buy wire made from kovara brand 29KN at affordable prices from manufacturers, offers the company AvekGlob. The supplier provides a guaranteed delivery of products to any point agreed by the customer.