1.4305 - aisi 303 pipe, wire, circle

Supplier — AvekGlob company — offers at different prices from the manufacturer various bulk metal products — pipes, wires and wheels made of AISI 303 stainless steel (1.4305). A timely delivery of metal products to any address specified by the customer is guaranteed.
Technical specifications
Stainless steel AISI 303 (1.4305) is an austenitic grade steel, which is characterized by higher mechanical machinability, which is achieved by an increased sulfur content and the presence of copper in the composition. This steel, also called SS2346, is suitable for mass production of parts that require good resistance to atmospheric corrosion, as well as many organic and inorganic chemicals. It can not be used in the marine environment or in chlorine-containing environments, since it has a slightly reduced corrosion resistance and toughness. Steel grade AISI 303 (1.4305) in the initial state is non-magnetic, but has the ability to weak magnetization after machining on metal cutting machines, or after welding.
Urgency of application
Typical areas of use are: parts of pumps and valves, fasteners manufactured on mechanical equipment, various sanitary fittings, building structures, and other elements of buildings and structures that are operated outdoors. Steel is poorly tempered, so hardening can be achieved only as a result of cold plastic deformation. The maximum application temperature is up to 750 ° C.
Chemical composition
The composition of steel grade AISI 303 (1.4305) includes the following elements (iron — base):
Carbon is not more than 0.15%;
Chrome — 17… 19%;
Nickel — 8… 10%;
Manganese — no more than 2%;
Silicon — no more than 1%;
Copper — not more than 1%;
Phosphorus — not more than 0.020%;
Bound nitrogen is not more than 0.1%;
Sulfur — 0,15… 0,35%.
As agreed with the customer, the steel can be additionally microalloyed with niobium (up to 0.07%).
Physical and mechanical properties
Density, kg / m 3 — 8000;
Melting point, 0 C -1450;
The coefficient of thermal conductivity, in the temperature range 20… 100 0 С, W / mgrad — 15;
Specific heat capacity, J / kggrad — 480;
Modulus of elasticity, GPa — 200;
The coefficient of thermal expansion in the temperature range 20… 100 0 С, μm / deg — 17;
The limit of temporary resistance, MPa — 600… 690;
Yield strength, MPa — 230… 420;
Hardness according to Brinell, HB, not more — 183;
Relative elongation at tension,% — 40… 51;
Technological features of processing and assortment
Stainless steel grade AISI 303 (or 1.4305) is available in a wide range of rolling profiles and forgings, with volume rolling available both in cold drawn and annealed conditions. Due to the presence of an increased sulfur content, steel is not welded well. Forging in hot condition is difficult.
Supplier — AvekGlob company — offers to buy a bar or a circle that are made of AISI 303 or 1.4305 stainless steel at a price formed on the basis of European and world standards of production. Buy these products can be wholesale and retail. For regular customers, there is a flexible system of discounts.