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Copper solder

The types of copper solder
Solder for copper pipe firm «Castolin» has a 93% Cu, 7% P. Operates at a temperature from 715 to 800 °C, solder pipe Ø up to 2 mm. Copper-phosphorus solders mark «Harris is 0%" is used for brazing copper, copper alloys at high temperature. Has 92,9% Cu, 7.1% of the P. «Cemet SP-6» copper-phosphorus. Used for brass and tin bronze. Contains 94% Cu, 6% P. to work with this alloy at 760 °C. Solder «Harris 2%" is used for high temperature brazing of copper from 643 to 788 °C. Solder «Castolin-5280 2%" effective for brazing with a silver content of 2%.
The melting point of the solder
Must conform to the standards in 650−820°C. Solder «Chemet P-II 2%" is represented by the following composition: 92% Cu, 6% P, 2% Ag. This kind of solder is used at t° 740 °C for brazing of silver/tin. Solder for soldering copper pipes «Castolin 5% — 5286» has 5% of Ag, made in Germany. Melting point 650−810°C. five-percent type of solder for soldering pipes «Harris» developed in the US and which now finds its place in the process of soldering brass, copper alloy and copper. Solder «Castolin 5283» is used for soldering tin, copper, bronze, brass. Pipes soldering suitable «Harris 15%". Here, the following composition: 80% Cu, 5% P, 15% Ag.
It is quite difficult to select the desired type of copper solder from the list of all presented. To better understand this issue, you should spend time. By purchasing high-quality copper solder, the client will be able to provide a reliable quality guarantee.
Buy at best price
In stock LLC «AVEK global» unlimited range of products from non-ferrous metals at the best prices. We offer the choice will satisfy any customer. Buy any copper solder is possible, using an Internet website or by contacting our office. The quality of the products is guaranteed by strict observance of technological norms of production. The timing of orders is minimal. The price level depends on the order quantity and other conditions of supply. For wholesale orders flexible system of discounts.