Udimet 500 - 2.4983 - Alloy 684 round, wire, tube

Want to buy round wire of alloy Udimet 500™ (Alloy 684, 2.4983) from the supplier company Alekhlas? Here you will find the necessary information on this alloy
The company Alekhlas implements at reasonable prices from manufacturers bulk metal — round and wire — Nickel alloy Udimet 500 brand™ (other names — Alloy 684, 2.4983). Provider is prompt delivery of products at any address specified by the consumer.
The composition and application of
Udimet 500™ (Alloy 684, 2.4983) is an alloy system, «Nickel-chromium-cobalt». Due to the dispersion hardening of the alloy becomes considerable mechanical strength and hardness. Therefore, the products made of this alloy can operate at high mechanical loads and temperatures and also in places that require minimum wear on the working surfaces.
Another operational advantage of the alloy Udimet 500™ (Alloy 684, 2.4983) is its high corrosion resistance and high creep resistance. It produces high temperature sections of gas turbines and other products operating in similar conditions — shafts, axes, rings, valves, nozzles, parts in high-temperature mechanical gears, etc.
Chemical composition of grade Udimet 500™ (Alloy 684, 2.4983) that conforms to the technical standards UNS N07500 and ASTM B637, presented in the table:
Item | The content in the alloy, % |
Nickel, Ni | 53 |
Chromium, Cr | 17.5 |
Cobalt, Co | 16.5 |
Molybdenum, Mo | 4 |
Iron, Fe | 4 |
Titanium, Ti | 3.9 |
Aluminum, Al | 2.9 |
Boron, B | 0.01 |
To buy at cost-effective prices round or wire made from Nickel alloy grade Udimet 500™ (Alloy 684, 2.4983), the company offers Avkpop. Supplier guaranteed the timely dispatch of metal at any point, set by the client.
The basic physical properties of the alloy:
Density, kg/m3 — 8027;
Melting point, 0 C — 1360;
Coefficient of thermal conductivity in the temperature range 20…6500 C, W/mgrad — 14,2;
Specific heat, j/kgrad — 412;
The modulus of elasticity, GPA — 213.
Basic mechanical properties of alloy:
The limit of temporary resistance, MPa — 1310;
Yield strength, MPa — 840;
Relative tensile elongation, percent — 30;
The relative narrowing of the cross-sectional area, % — 41;
Hardness on the Brinell hardness, HB, max — 131.
Technological characteristics of the alloy: the deformability of the alloy in cold condition — satisfactory (requires the use of effective lubricants, and in the design of crossings should provide for increased clearances and radii of curvature of the working instrument). The welding of Udimet alloy 500™ (Alloy 684, 2.4983), the possible technologies of arc welding with non-consumable tungsten electrode and a gas-plasma welding. Temperature range modes of forging…850 10800 C. the Machinability on machine tools is limited due to the high strength and maximum adhesion of the material to the working parts of the instrument (requires the use of cutting fluids).
The company Avecho offers to purchase affordable producer circle and a wire of an alloy based on Nickel brand Udimet 500™ (Alloy 684, 2.4983). The supplier produces immediate delivery to any destination specified by the customer.