ВК20 plate, hard alloy

Supplier — AvekGlob company — offers at reasonable prices from the manufacturer plates made of a solid alloy grade VK20. The supplier guarantees the timely delivery of products to any address specified by the consumer.
Technical specifications
The VK20 solid alloy is a highly melting compound of solid, ceramic tungsten carbide with viscous cobalt. This material is a composite of a metal matrix in which cobalt particles are placed in a matrix of tungsten carbide. Tungsten carbide may have the formula WC or WC 2, depending on the synthesis conditions.
The alloy VK20 is distinguished by high hardness, compression resistance and sufficient resistance to bending and shearing. Compared with other brands of alloys of the tungsten-cobalt group, this alloy has a higher shear strength and fatigue strength.
Urgency of application
The VK20 grade alloy is used for the production of metalworking tools that operate under shock loads and high specific forces. From it, in particular. Punch bars and cold molding die makers are used for stamping doped and high-carbon steels, trimming dies, etc. The strongest grade of VK20 hard alloy is purchased at temperatures of 250… 500 0 С, which allows it to be used for production of hot-pressing equipment. Products from the alloy in question are well liable to be bandaged.
Chemical composition
In accordance with the technical requirements of GOST 3882−74, the alloy VK20 has the following composition:
Tungsten carbide — 80%;
Cobalt — 20%.
Physical and mechanical properties
The melting point is 2850 ° C;
Ultimate strength, MPa — 1500;
Density, kg / m 3 — 13700… 14000;
Bending strength, MPa — 2420;
Compressive strength, MPa — 3850;
Modulus of elasticity, GPa — 530;
Hardness according to Rockwell (scale A), — 85.5;
Impact strength, kJ / m 2 — 13.4.
Assortment and properties
The hard alloy VK20 is obtained by sintering the dimensions of the initial mold taking into account shrinkage of the material (the alloy shrinkage coefficient is 1.27). Available plates, discs and cylinders of various sizes. It is possible to obtain plasticized plates, previously sintered at high temperature. To obtain the final product it is necessary to use the technologies of electric spark, electric-arc or anodic-mechanical treatment. Less effective grinding with carborundum circles with the subsequent grinding of the final surface of the part with powders of boron carbide.
Supplier — AvekGlob Company — offers to purchase at affordable prices from the manufacturers plates that are made of a solid alloy grade VK20. Products can be bought at a price formed on the basis of European and world standards of production. Implementation is possible in bulk and retail, for regular customers, a flexible system of discounts operates.