Sheet, tape Hastelloy b2® - 2.4617 - сплавБ2

Company Avecglobal sells at affordable prices from the manufacturer sheet and tape, which are made of the alloy brand Hastelloy B2 (other names — Alloy B2, 2.4617). The supplier ensures the timely delivery of products to any address specified by the consumer.
Composition and application
Hastelloy B2 (Alloy B2, 2.4617) belongs to the group of nickel-molybdenum alloys. Compared with Hastelloy B, this alloy has a lower percentage of carbon and a lack of vanadium, which provides excellent resistance to hydrochloric acid, its salts, and various catalysts based on aluminum chloride.
Hastelloy B2 is well suited for the production of parts of industrial chemical equipment that uses hydrochloric acid in all concentrations and temperatures. The alloy is resistant to gaseous hydrogen chloride, as well as to solutions of sulfuric, acetic and phosphoric acids. The main high-temperature applications are those in which a low coefficient of thermal expansion is required.
It is necessary to avoid exposure to parts produced from this alloy, temperatures from 540 to 815 ° C due to a decrease in the plasticity of the alloy. In oxidizing gases, such as air, Hastelloy B2 (Alloy B2, 2.4617) can be used at temperatures up to 540 ° C. When reducing gases or in a vacuum, this alloy can be used from 815 ° C and to substantially higher temperatures (in particular, briefly up to 890 ° C). When hydrochloric acid is contacted with iron or copper, the formation of appropriate salts on the surface intensifies, therefore, Hastelloy B2 (Alloy B2, 2.4617) should not be used in conjunction with copper or steel products that work with solutions or hydrochloric acid vapor.
The chemical composition of the alloy, which meets the technical requirements of the standard UNS N10665, is given in the table:
Element | Ni,% | Cr,% | Mo,% | Fe,% | C,% | Mn,% | Si,% | Co,% | S,% | P,% |
Content in the alloy | The basis | Not more than 1.0 | 26.0… 30.0 | Not more than 2.0 | Not more than 0.02 | Not more than 1.0 | Not more than 0.10 | Not more than 1.0 | Not more than 0.03 | Not more than 0.04 |
Company Avecglob offers to buy at a cost-effective prices from the manufacturer sheet, or tape of nickel-molybdenum alloy brand Hastelloy B2 (Alloy B2, 2.4617). The supplier performs prompt delivery of products to any point set by the client.
Basic physical characteristics of the alloy:
Density, kg / m 3 — 9200;
Melting point, 0 С — 1330… 1380;
The coefficient of thermal expansion in the temperature range 20… 500 0 С, μm / deg — 11,7;
Coefficient of thermal conductivity, W / megade — 17.3;
Modulus of elasticity, GPa — 179.
Basic mechanical characteristics of the alloy:
The limit of temporary resistance, MPa — 760;
Yield strength, MPa — 350;
Relative elongation at stretching,% — not less than 40;
Hardness by Rockwell (scale B) — no more than 100.
The alloy is characterized by satisfactory deformability (preliminary annealing is required). Welding is advisable to perform with preheating of products: this reduces the precipitation of carbides and other phases, and contributes to ensuring uniform corrosion resistance.
To buy sheet or tape made of Hastelloy B2 alloy (Alloy B2, 2.4617), Avec Glob company offers. The supplier guarantees the prompt delivery of sheet metal to any point agreed by the customer.