Nimonic 263® - 2.4650 - Alloy C-263 round, wire, tube

Do you want to buy a circle, a wire, a pipe made of Nimonic 263 (Alloy C-263, 2.4650) from AvecGlob? Here you will find the necessary information on this topic
AvekGlob Company sells volume rolling (circle, wire and pipe) at affordable prices from manufacturers, which is made of Nimonic 263 alloy (other names are Alloy C-263, 2.4650). The supplier is guaranteed timely shipment of products to any address specified by the consumer.
Composition and application
Nimonic 263 (Alloy C-263, 2.4650) is an aging-hardened nickel-cobalt-chromium-molybdenum alloy that was designed to maintain a high level of its performance after annealing and with very good strength properties after aging.
Nimonic 263 alloy products have excellent plastic viscosity over a wide range of temperatures, and are usually not subject to deformation cracking, which is characteristic of other hardening alloys of this type. The alloy is nonmagnetic. The limiting temperature range of application — according to the resistance of high-temperature corrosion — no more than 960 ° C, in combination with mechanical loads — up to 815 0 С.
The alloy Nimonic 263 (Alloy C-263, 2.4650) is characterized by an increased ability to form plastic in a wide temperature range. Electric welding of products from this alloy is possible using a suitable composite filler technology TIG and MIG.
This alloy combines properties that make it suitable for various components of aircraft turbines. From the alloy under consideration, various sealing elements as well as critical parts of gas power equipment are produced.
The chemical composition of the alloy Nimonic 263 (Alloy C-263, 2.4650), which meets the technical requirements of the standards UNS N07623 and AMS 5872, is presented in the table (nickel — the rest):
Company Avecglob proposes to purchase at a cost-effective producer price a pipe, circle and wire made of nickel alloy Nimonic 263 (Alloy C-263, 2.4650). The Supplier provides prompt shipping of rolled products to any point set by the customer.
Basic physical characteristics of the alloy:
Density, kg / m 3 — 8360;
Melting point, 0 C — 1325;
Coefficient of thermal expansion with a temperature range of 20… 100 0 С, μm / deg — 10,6;
Modulus of elasticity, GPa — 222.5;
Basic mechanical characteristics of the alloy:
The limit of temporary resistance, MPa — 963;
Yield strength, MPa — 271;
Relative elongation at tension,% — 22;
Relative narrowing of the cross-sectional area,% — 33;
Hardness according to Brinell, HB, not more — 322.
Technological features: the alloy in terms of high-temperature strength is inferior to alloys of Waspaloy or Rene 41 grades, but surpasses them in terms of plasticity.
Buy at affordable prices from manufacturers of a circle, wire or pipe, which are made of nickel alloy brand Nimonic 263 (Alloy C-263, 2.4650), offers the company AvecGlob. The Supplier organizes an immediate delivery of the rental to any point. stipulated by the customer.