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- Nickel alloys
- Steel KHN32T - KHN78T
HN35VT - эи612 round, wire, tube

The alloy of the brand HN35VT — is heat-resistant high-alloy carbon steel. The composition contains Nickel 34−38%, chromium, 14−16%, iron 38−47%. As additives to the mixture is added the titanium is about 1.1−1.5% copper, up to 0.25%, phosphorus — up to 0.03%, manganese — 1−2% tungsten — 2.3 to a 3.5% molybdenum — 0.3% and sulfur — about 0.02%.
Percentage composition GOST 5632−72 | |||||||||||
Alloy | Cr | Ni | W | Mn | Ti | Si | Cu | Mo | P | Fe | S |
HN35VT | 14−16 | 34−38 | 2,3−3,5 | 1,0−2,0 | 1,1−1,5 | to 0.6 | to 0.25 | to 0.3 | 0.03 | The rest | to 0.02 |
Wire and circle mark HN35VT — made from high-alloy low-carbon structural steel and are used for production of mechanisms and critical parts of building structures working in aggressive conditions. In some cases, steel HN35VT to increase the hardness and wear resistance enriched with carbon (so-called cementation). The carbon content of the order of 0.12% to increase strength. Temperature raskopki semi-finished products is 1170 °C initially and about 850 °C at the end. Finished rolled steel in the form of wire, round, rod HN35VT cooled in air.
This alloy is hard to weld. To increase the reliability of the weld requires preheating to 200−300°C annealing (final heat treatment). Fastening of the construction elements is carried out by manual arc welding with the help of electrodes KTI-762. The final annealing is recommended to relieve stresses.
Wire and circle mark HN35VT have the broad scope — the details of high temperature installations that are operated in mechanical engineering and petrochemical industries. Semi-finished products of the brand HN35VT indispensable in the production of discs, flat springs, fasteners, capable of long-term work at t° to 650 °C. Above a temperature of 850 °C intensive scale formation. The circle is used in metallurgical, chemical, textile industry, wire is used for welding steel. Rod, wire and the circle can be used in the construction of small objects, the decoration, the decoration of the rooms and areas of private buildings. The finest wire to produce mesh oven conveyors.
Buy at best price
The company «AVEK global» sells heat-resistant rolled steel on favorable terms. Price due to the technological features of production without the inclusion of additional costs. The warehouse contains the widest range of products of the brand HN35VT. On the company’s website at avglob.org. displayed operational information about products, have product catalog and price lists. Deliveries are made from stock in the shortest possible time. When wholesale purchases are offered preferential discounts.