Nichrome ribbon, tire x15n60 - 2.4867 - nikrothal 60®

The Avec Glob company offers to buy at affordable prices from the manufacturer a nichrome tape and a tire that are made of the X15N60 alloy or its foreign counterparts — 2.4867 or Nikrothal 60. The supplier guarantees timely delivery of the products to any address specified by the consumer.
Composition and application
The alloy X15N60, as well as its foreign analogues — 2.4867 or Nikrothal 60 — belong to the group of precision austenitic nickel-chromium alloys, which are intended for use at operating temperatures up to 1150 ° C. These alloys are characterized by high electrical resistivity, good oxidation resistance and very high the stability of the form, which does not depend on external temperature conditions. Alloys are distinguished by good plasticity and excellent weldability.
The considered alloys find application in the working parts of electric heating appliances of household appliances. Typical applications are tubular heating elements with a metal sheath used, for example, in the form of heating / cooking plates, grills, toaster ovens and storage heaters. Alloys of grades Х15Н60, 2.4867 or Nikrothal 60 are also used for suspension coils in air heaters in drying ovens for linen, heaters, hand dryers. They also produce medium-sized resistors.
The chemical composition of the alloy Kh15N60, which meets the technical requirements of GOST 10994−74, is given in the table (numerical data — in percent, nickel — the rest):
Fe | C | Si | Mn | S | P | Cr | Ti | Al |
17.3… 29.2 | Not more than 0.15 | 0.8… 1.5 | Not more than 1.5 | Not more than 0.02 | Not more than 0.03 | 15… 18 | Not more than 0.3 | Not more than 0.2 |
To buy at economically reasonable prices from manufacturers a tape and a tire made of precision nickel-chrome alloys of grades Х15Н60, 2.4867 or Nikrothal 60, the company АвекГлоб offers. The supplier ensures guaranteed delivery of products to any point set by the client.
Basic physical characteristics:
Density, kg / m 3 — 8200;
Melting point, 0 С — 1390;
Specific electrical resistance, MWM — 1,110 6 ;
Specific heat capacity, kJ / kggrad — 160;
The coefficient of temperature expansion, in the temperature range 20… 100 0 С, m / deg — 17;
Modulus of elasticity, GPa — 218.
Basic mechanical characteristics:
The limit of temporary resistance, MPa — 730… 830;
Yield strength, MPa — 330… 360;
Relative elongation at tension,% — 20;
Hardness according to Brinell, HB, no more than 150.
Technological features of alloys — the optimum temperature of hot deformation of 1000… 1100 0 С, the creep limit at a temperature of 1000 0 C — 4 MPa.
Company Avecglobal sells at affordable prices from the manufacturer nichrome ribbon and tire, which are produced from alloys of grades Х15Н60, 2.4867 or Nikrothal 60. The supplier carries out the immediate delivery of the products to any point agreed by the customer.