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03Н18К9М5Т - эп637 sheet, round, wire

General characteristics
Steel 03Н18К9М5Т-VD is melted in a vacuum induction furnace, and then subjected to vacuum arc remelting. Production is carried out in accordance with the following specifications: 14−1-3039−80; 14−1-1531−75; 14−1-2227−77 and 14−1-4896−90. This steel belongs to the group of alloys Maraging type. Used in the production of welded hulls, motors, helicopter shafts, pressure vessels of large dimensions, elements, gears, and fasteners are responsible. It has high reliability, resistance to intergranular corrosion and to stress corrosion cracking in alkaline and chloride environments.
The percentage composition of steel 03Н18К9М5Т-VD
Co | C | Al | Fe | Ni | Mo | Mn | P | Ti | Si | S |
8,5−9,5 | ≤0,03 | ≤0,15 | DOS. | Of 17.7−19 | 4,6−5,5 | ≤0,1 | ≤0,01 | 0,6−0,8 | ≤0,1 | ≤0,01 |
Physical properties at 20°C
— The specific weight of 8.05 g/cm3
— Elastic modulus of 18.6 · 10-4 N/mm2
— Coefficient of thermal linear expansion of 10.1x10-6/°C
— The specific electrical resistance is 0,38 — 0,39, Mhmm2/m
Hardness HB 200 MPa -1.
— Induction of saturation is 10−12 kgs.
Are manufactured the following products: pipe, round, wire, tape, sheet. During plastic deformation in the initial stage of the process temperature is 1170 °C, and at the end — of about 900 °C. This steel can be easily cut at low revs. Pipes can be made seamless — seamless and welded — welded. The circle is usually stamped by a certain predetermined shape and is used in the form of forgings, ie intermediate preform for different products. Sheets rods supply without heat treatment. Technical documentation for delivery of metal ensures standards of quality control of the alloy:
— chemical composition of alloying elements;
— maximum content of impurities;
— ultrasonic testing for the absence of cracks;
— dimension tolerance, surface quality, curvature.
Apply automatic and manual argon-arc method. In the process of manual arc welding electrodes are used with wire rod St — 03Н18К9М5Т-VD .
Production of welded hulls, motors, helicopter shafts, pressure vessels of large dimensions, elements, gears, and other fasteners. Also the steel used in the manufacture of containers, which are operated in high corrosive environments at temperatures up to 80 °C.
Buy at best price
The company «AVEK global» there is a wide selection of stainless steel. You can purchase the brand’s items 03Н18К9М5Т-VD on the most favorable terms. The price of the order depends on volume and additional conditions of delivery. Our experts are always ready to help in selecting the required products, which determines the efficiency and reliability of future equipment. They not only help You to determine the optimal parameters of products, but also offer the best price. We guarantee high quality of our products and timely delivery.