03Х18Н11 - 1.4306 - aisi 304L tube

General characteristics
Alloy 03Х18Н11 refers to the type of chromium-Nickel austenitic steels. Has a high resistance against intergranular corrosion of the base metal and welded joints operated in hostile environments at temperatures up to 80 °C. Used in the manufacture of welded equipment for the synthesis of nitric acid of high concentration (65%), for the manufacture of nitrophoska, extraction of phosphoric acid and other compounds, which are characterized by increased aggressiveness.
The chemical composition of the alloy 03Х18Н11
Ni | C | Mn | Fe | Cr | P | Si | S |
10,5−12,5 | ≤0,03 | ≤2 | DOS. | 17−19 | ≤0,035 | ≤0,8 | ≤0,02 |
Physical properties at 20°C
· The thermal conductivity is 0,134 · 102 W/(m · K)
· Density: 7.7 g/cm3
· Modulus of elasticity of 17.8 · 10 — 4 N/mm2
· Hardness — HB 200 MPa -1
· Resistivity 0.75 Omhm2/m
· The magnetic permeability in a field of 500 OE at the temperature. 20 °C равна1,255 micro Tesla/m
Is smelted in electric arc furnaces. Classified as stainless steel, corrosion-resistant, plain, heat-resistant steel of the austenitic type. It meets the strict requirements of the state standard, satisfactorily welded and processed by way of cutting. Made the following types of rentals: circle, tube, wire, sheet, strip according to the following GOST: 1133−71, 5582−76, 5632−72; technical specifications: 14−1-1160−74, 14−1-1180−74, 14−1-2144−77, 14−1-2450−78, 14−1-490−72, 14−1-3652−83, 14−1-3071−80, 14−4-3071−80.
Technological processing
During the hot forging, rolling and forging in the initial stage of the process temperature is 1170 °C, and at the end of the process — of about 900 °C. the Semis quite easily cut; welded with manual, automatic welding. Manual, automatic arc, and in the process of argon-arc welding uses electrodes OzL-24 with wire rod 02Х17Н14С4. To protect the welds, apply a final heat treatment.
Brand 03Х18Н11 received the most widespread use of welded chemical equipment: heat exchangers, reactors, pipelines. It is used for fragments of metallurgical mining equipment, vessels that are operated in wet-process phosphoric, 55% sulfuric and acetic acid, etc. aggressive environments at temperatures up to 80 °C. Used in the synthesis of fertilizers. Steel 03Х18Н11 used as a cladding layer in the production tsentrobezhnolityh pipes, coils for tubular furnaces and a two-layer corrosion-resistant hot-rolled sheets. It is indispensable for connection fittings in piping joints, repair welds equipment that operates in a radioactive environment.
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