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Copper rental

General characteristics
Copper is a ductile metal with red-pink color. Primary copper depending on the degree of purity is divided into species such as M1 (contains 99.9 percent pure copper), M2 (99,7%), M3 (99,%). The main advantage of copper is its high electrical and thermal conductivity, these parameters depend not only on the chemical purity of the brand, but also on the state of delivery. For example, the level of electric resistivity of products which are made of grade M1, is equal to: for circles, the untreated — 0,0179 Ohm • mm2/m, and circles annealed — 0,01748, to trolleys that have been stretched from the rod within 0,01755−0,0177 Ohm • mm2/m for wire annealed wire rod from within 0,01718−0,01724. The conductivity of copper of different grades differ by 2−3%. This difference is the difference between the resistance of copper in solid and annealed States. The most common types of rolled copper the following: wire, bus, circle, sheet, tape, strip, pipes.
Classification of bars
By means of production GOST 1535−91 | Profile | Marking copper ГОСТу859 |
— cold-deformed (drawn) — hot-deformed (extruded) |
— KV square, — CG hex, — CU round. |
M1r, M1, M2r, M2, MWR, MZ. |
Copper rods are available in semi-solid, soft and solid state. In size they are divided into product dimensional random length (ND), multiple dimensional (KD). All products are of high accuracy is denoted (P), high (), normal (N). The rod, which is intended for processing by means of special machines, marked A. B. Classificationtape
Depending on the method of production according to GOST 1173−93 | Depending on the accuracy | Marking of copper according to GOST 859 |
— cold-deformed (drawn) | normal level of accuracy in thickness and increased accuracy in width, normal level of accuracy in thickness and width, — high level of accuracy in thickness and normal level of accuracy across the width. |
M1r, M1, M2r, M2, MWR, MOH. |
Bus and wire are available in hard and soft state in accordance with the requirements of GOST 434−78, material — copper is not below grade M1 (GOST 859−2001).
The pipes are produced according to GOST 617−90 of the brands M1r, M1, M2r, M2, MWR, MOH with the chemical composition that corresponds to GOST 859−2001. All pipes brands of l96 (chemical composition corresponding to GOST 15527), are produced with high and normal levels of precision dimensional and random length. The pipes can be semi-hard, hard, soft, extruded and cold-drawn.
The leaves are made according to GOST 495−92 of the brands M1r, M1, M2r, M2, MWR and M. Z. cold-Rolled sheets and strips are manufactured in high and normal precision. HR — in accordance with GOST 495−92 dimensional and random lengths from 500 to 2000 mm. as materials cold-rolled sheets and strips are made of semi-hard, soft, hard.
Copper sheet occupies a special position among the sheet metal. It has a relatively low cost, has a high level of plasticity, easy stamped, it is highly resistant to the effects of moisture and not afraid of changes in temperature. These qualities characterize him as an ideal material for roofing and facade work. Roofing copper has a very high level of aesthetic and performance — after a certain time it starts to cover the noble patina, and it looks pretty nice. This roof is quite durable, it requires no maintenance, it is not afraid of any vagaries of weather or solar radiation.
Buy at best price
In stock LLC «AVEK global» unlimited range of products from non-ferrous metals at the best prices. We offer the choice will satisfy any customer. Buy any kinds of rolled copper can, using the Internet-the company website or by contacting our office. The quality of the products is guaranteed by strict observance of technological norms of production. The timing of orders is minimal. The price level depends on the order quantity and other conditions of supply. For wholesale orders flexible system of discounts.