Industries of industrial application of nickel alloys

Are you interested in the industrial application of nickel alloys from the supplier company AvecGlob? Here you will find interesting information on this topic /
General characteristics of nickel alloys
Nickel alloys are widely used because of their high corrosion resistance, including at high temperatures, and also because of their special magnetic and thermal properties.
The main types of nickel alloys that have received practical application:
Iron-nickel-chrome alloys
Stainless steels
Copper-nickel alloys
Nickel-chrome alloys
Magnetic alloys
Nickel alloys are used wherever higher strength is required than pure nickel, as well as corrosion resistance in active alkaline environments. Nickel alloys with chromium are widely used in cases where heat resistance and / or corrosion resistance is required. They are not suitable for high-temperature sulfur-containing media. But where corrosion resistance is significant, molybdenum is used as an alloying additive. Alloys of nickel with vanadium, tungsten and titanium are also used for high-temperature applications.
Supplier — AvekGlob Company — offers at a reasonable price from the manufacturer a diverse range of nickel-based alloys. The supplier guarantees the timely delivery of products to any address specified by the consumer.
Industries in which nickel alloys are used
Production of aircraft;
Marine applications and desalination plants;
Machines and devices of chemical industries;
Pharmaceutical industry and production of medical equipment;
Oil refining;
Means of automation, working in corrosive environments;
Details of energy and thermal equipment (including nuclear technology).
Popular types of nickel alloys
K500: This alloy works very well in water and chemical treatment plants, because it is very resistant to corrosion. For this reason, the K500 is useful for power plants, offshore operations and chemical production.
K400: the alloy is highly resistant even to the harshest chemicals, such as hydrofluoric acid and fluorine. Stable in alkaline environments.
K405: the alloy has a high corrosion resistance and is most often used for the manufacture of parts operating under abrasive wear.
K625: the alloy is highly resistant, in high-temperature high-pressure environments. This property makes it ideal for aerospace and marine applications.
K718: the alloy is characterized by increased weldability, that is why it is used in complex engineering constructions
Supplier — AvekGlob Company — offers to purchase various brands of nickel alloys. Products can be bought at a price formed on the basis of European and world standards of production. Implementation is possible in bulk and retail, for regular customers, a flexible system of discounts operates.