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- Grade 7
Sheet, rod, circle grade 7 titanium 3.7235 - Ti-0.15 Pd

AvekGlO sells bars and wheels made of titanium grade 7 grade Ti-0,15Pd at a reasonable price from the manufacturer (another name is 3.7235). The supplier ensures timely delivery of rolled metal to any address specified by the customer.
Composition and application
The Ti-0.15Pd (3.7235) titanium alloy of the 7th grade has a high resistance to corrosion in the acid reduction processes and under the local conditions of hot halide media. The presence of palladium provides increased corrosion resistance of the alloy. The single-phase (with α-phase) alloy Ti-0,15Pd (3,7235) has average strength and ductility.
Typical products that are made from the alloy in question are working parts of chemical equipment, where the acidity index of the environment constantly varies between oxidation and reduction values. The recommended temperature for the appropriate use of a grade 7 titanium alloy grade Ti-0.15Pd (3.7235) is about 80 to 260 0 C.
Typical applications are: chemical processing equipment, air pollution control equipment, bleaching / washing equipment for pulp / paper, hydrometallurgical extraction / electrolysis plants, desalination, brine evaporation and the like.
The chemical composition of this alloy, which must comply with the technical requirements of the standard UNS R52400, is given in the table:
Element | Content (%) |
Iron, Fe | Not more than 0.3 |
Bound oxygen, O | Not more than 0.25 |
Palladium, Pd | 0.12−0.25 |
Carbon, C | Not more than 0.08 |
Bound nitrogen, N | Not more than 0.03 |
Bound hydrogen, H | Not more than 0.015 |
Other impurities | Not more than 0.4 |
Titanium, Ti | The basis |
Buy at competitive prices from the manufacturer of bulk metal — a circle and rod — made of titanium alloy grade 7 Ti-0,15Pd (3.7235) offers the company AvekGlob. The supplier provides prompt delivery of products to any point agreed by the client.
Basic physical characteristics of the alloy:
Density, kg / m 3 — 4510;
Melting point, 0 С — 1660;
Coefficient of thermal conductivity, W / megade — 20.8;
The coefficient of thermal expansion in the temperature range 20… 100 0 С, μm / deg — 4,8;
Modulus of elasticity, GPa — 104.
Basic mechanical characteristics of the alloy:
The limit of time resistance, MPa — 485;
Yield strength, MPa — 350;
Relative elongation at tension,% — 28;
Hardness of Vickers, HV, no more than 150.
Technological feature of the alloy: weldability — without limitations.
Company Avecglob proposes to purchase at affordable prices from the manufacturer bars and a circle made of titanium alloy grade 7 Ti-0,15Pd (3,7235). The Supplier makes immediate delivery of the rental to any point. stipulated by the customer.