Circle, wire, pipe nickel 200, 2.4066

Do you want to buy a circle, wire, a pipe from nickel 200 (2.4066) from the supplier — the company AvecGlob? Here you will find the necessary information on this topic
Avec Glob Company sells a circle, wire, nickel 200 pipe (2.4066) at an affordable price from the manufacturer. The supplier is guaranteed timely shipment of products to any address specified by the consumer.
Composition and application
Nickel 200 is a chemically pure forged metal with good mechanical properties and excellent corrosion resistance, in particular from the action of hydroxides. The material contains not less than 99.7% pure nickel. The alloy has a reduced percentage of carbon, so it can be used at higher temperatures, and use cold-state plastic deformation. Nickel 200 (2.4066) at elevated temperatures above 450 ° C is subject to graphitization.
Chemically pure nickel 200 is used in the chemical industry, in the production of solutions of caustic soda, chlorine, hydrogen chloride, as well as in
Food Industry.
Nickel 200 and 2.4066 alloys provide high corrosion resistance in reducing and neutral environments, as well as in an oxidizing atmosphere, provided that the oxidizing medium allows the formation of a passive oxide film. This oxide film provides excellent resistance of materials in a caustic medium.
Corrosion rates in sea and in ordinary water are very low, but increase with increasing temperature. In a mobile marine environment, the corrosion resistance of Nickel 200 (2.4046) alloy is reduced.
The operating temperature of the application of these alloys should not exceed 320… 350 0 С.
Buy at economical prices Nickel 200 (2.4046) in a variety of assortment — a circle, pipe, wire — offers the company AvekGlob. The supplier guarantees the prompt delivery of products to any address set by the client.
Distinctive features of the materials in question are:
High resistance in reducing environments;
Excellent resistance to alkalis;
High electrical conductivity;
Excellent corrosion resistance to distilled and natural water;
Resistance to solutions of neutral and alkaline salts and halogens;
Good thermal, electrical and magnetostrictive properties
Alloys also have moderate resistance to hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid at room temperatures and low concentrations.
Chemical composition (numerical data — in percent):
Ni | Fe | Cu | C | Mn | S | Si |
Not less than 99.0 | Not more than 0.40 | Not more than 0.25 | Not more than 0,015 | Not more than 0.35 | Not more than 0,01 | Not more than 0.35 |
Physico-mechanical characteristics:
- Melting point, 0С — 1445;
- Density, kg / m 3 — 8900;
- The limit of temporary resistance, MPa — 550… 7500;
- Yield strength, MPa — 160… 250;
- Relative elongation at a stretching,% — 40… 60;
- Hardness by Rockwell (scale B), no more than — 70.
Buy at a reasonable price from the manufacturer pipe, wire or a circle, which are produced from chemically pure nickel brand Nickel 200 (2.4046), offers the company AvekGlob. The supplier makes immediate delivery of the products to any point agreed by the customer.