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ХН67МВТЮ - EP202 sheet, circle, wire

The high-temperature alloy ХН67МВТЮ-вд (ЭП202-сm) is a stably austenitic alloy that does not change the structure after heat treatment and cooling in the open air. The basis of the alloy is nickel, whose share is 60.5−68.8%, in the second position is chromium — 17−20%, tungsten and molybdenum — in third place (4−5%). The alloy in its composition in addition to the main components contains titanium, manganese, carbon, sulfur, silicon, aluminum, phosphorus.
High-temperature alloys of this type are widely used in the production of various semi-finished products. The most popular of them are pipes, a circle, a rod. They are used in the power machine industry (parts of machinery and equipment for energy), in rocket and space and aircraft engineering.
Alloys, which are designed for operation in the process of strong heating, are divided, as a rule, into the following types. 1) steels that are resistant to heat — are used for a long time at temperatures up to 600 ° C; 2) heat-resistant steels that have sufficient resistance to operate at a higher temperature in the loaded state and 3) scale-resistant (heat-resistant) — are operated for a long time at a temperature above 550 ° C in an unloaded or lightly loaded state, they are resistant to the destruction of the coating in gas and chemical Environment. In this case, under the load is meant several load schemes: static twisting, bending or stretching, thermal loading — depends on temperature difference, dynamic variable load with different frequency and amplitude, dynamic effect of high-speed gas flows on the coating.
The steel pipe of grade ХН67МВТЮ-вд is used in installations operating under high gas pressure. It is in demand in systems of gas and water separation, in industrial construction for internal and external communications. This pipe is used in the food industry and mechanical engineering, it is actively used in the elements of aviation equipment — turbine parts. The circle and rod are used in construction, industry and in everyday life. In general, such products can be considered universal. The circle for the strength of rolled products is divided into: high and standard strength (calibrated). The circle and bar of steel ХН67МВТЮ-вд are used in the construction of petrochemical facilities, they are often used in industrial engineering, in the production of space technology, in machine tool construction. They have good plasticity, they are welded using manual arc welding.
Buy at a bargain price
A large range of products from the alloy KhN67MVTYu-at the warehouse of Avek Global LLC is able to satisfy any consumer. The quality of the finished products is ensured by absolute observance of all technological production standards. Terms of execution of orders are the shortest. If you have any questions, you will receive an exhaustive consultation from experienced managers. With bulk orders, the company provides a flexible discount system.