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90Х18МФ - aisi 321 sheet, round, wire

General characteristics
Stainless chrome steel 90Х18МФ are manufactured in accordance with GOST: 5949−75 and 5632−72 and specifications: 14−1-4628−89 and 14−1-1848−75. Alloy 90Х18МФ made varietal and flat steel by forging or rolling. Hot deformation is performed at a temperature 1130−950°C, followed by aging at a temperature of 750 °C and cooled. This steel in the hardened state is used in the manufacture of chemical fibers, multi-threaded gear pumps designed for metering rest on the preparation of media in the production of cutting tools in accordance with GOST R 50328.1−92 in food, medical industry, resistant with sanitized to corrosion. The chemical composition of the alloy 90Х18МФ
Fe | Cr | C | Mn | S | P | Mo | V | Si |
DOS. | From 17 to 19 | From 0.85 to 0.95 | ≤1 | ≤0,025 | ≤0,03 | From 0.9 to 1.3 | 0.07 to 0.12 | ≤1 |
This steel belongs to the class of martensitic alloys. Smelted in open induction and electric arc furnaces and in vacuum-induction furnaces with a final vacuum arc remelting. Plastic deformation is carried out in the temperature range 1100−900°C. the billets are produced by wire drawing, and sheet — rolling. At fast cooling often cracks. Tempering of steel is performed at a temperature 1045 °C, and a vacation — at 200 °C. the Hardening hardens the material as a result of the martensitic transformation. The structure of granular perlite gives the annealing, after quenching the hardness of steel is 197−207 N. V. the Increase of quenching temperature increases the proportion of residual austenite. The maximum hardness is achieved by 1050 °C.
Physical properties at 20°C
— Specific weight of 7.67 g/cm3
— Conductivity 0,147 · 102 W/(m · K).
— Modulus 18 · 10— 4 N/mm2
— Specific electrical resistivity of 0.68 Omhm2/m
— The hardness of the steel is 200 MPa -1 NV.
— Specific heat is 0,483 · 103, j/(kg · K);
— Magnetic permeability in a field of 500 e равна1,255 micro Tesla/m.
The corrosion rate
— in moist ammonia and hydrogen sulfide atmosphere up to 0.005 mm/year;
— in solution H2 S2 at saturation 2.5 g/liter — to 0,0135 mm/year;
— in an aqueous solution of NH3 at t° 20 °C to 0.006 mm/year; at a temperature of 90 °C — to 0,097 mm/year;
— in a mixture of aliphatic hydrocarbons at 20−90°C to 0,003 mm/year.
By forging or rolling produce varietal and flat steel, which is used in medical and food industry. In hardened state such steel is used in the manufacture of chemical fibers, multi-threaded gear pumps designed for metering rest on the preparation of media in the production of cutting tools (according to GOST R 50328.1−92). Products made from this steel meet the highest requirements for corrosion resistance and able to withstand repeated heat treatment, which is important for medical instruments. You can process them in the washing machines, they do not lose their properties in chlorinated water.
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