Sheet, Inconel 706® tape - alloy 706

Do you want to buy a sheet of Inconel 706® alloy (Alloy 706) from the supplier — AvecGlob? Here you will find the necessary information on this topic
AvekGlob company sells sheet and ribbon, which are made of nickel alloy of Inconel 706® brand (Alloy 706) at reasonable prices from producers. The supplier guarantees the prompt delivery of products to any address specified by the consumer.
Composition and application
Alloy Inconel 706® (Alloy 706) is a three-component alloy based on nickel, iron and chromium. The alloy is strengthened during deposition, which provides the products made of it with high mechanical strength in combination with a good ability to plastic deformation and machining. The alloy is intended for the manufacture of parts and components of aerospace engineering, as well as ground-based gas turbine engines.
This alloy is widely used for the production of turbine disks, shafts, fasteners and housings. The combination of high-temperature strength with ease of manufacturing makes this alloy the preferred one for such applications. In particular, conventional processing techniques used for alloys based on iron can be used. During heat treatment, the alloy is strengthened, which should be taken into account when designing products from it.
The chemical composition of the alloy Inconel 706® (Alloy 706), which meets the technical requirements of the standard UNS N09706, is presented in the table:
Element | Content,% |
Nickel, Ni | 39… 44 |
Iron, Fe | 38 |
Chrome, Cr | 14.5… 17.5 |
Niobium, Nb | 2.50… 3.30 |
Cobalt, Co | Not more than 1 |
Titanium, Ti | Not more than 0.40 |
Copper, Cu | Not more than 0.35 |
Manganese, Mn | Not more than 0.35 |
Silicon, Si | Not more than 0.35 |
Carbon, C | Not more than 0.30 |
Aluminum, Al | Not more than 0.060 |
Phosphorus, P | Not more than 0.020 |
Sulfur, S | Not more than 0.015 |
Boron, B | Not more than 0.0060 |
Buy at economical prices from the manufacturer sheet or tape made from the alloy grade Inconel 706® (Alloy 706), offers the company AvekGlob. The supplier performs a guaranteed shipment of rolled metal to any point. installed by the client.
Basic physical properties of the alloy:
Density, kg / m 3 — 8050;
Melting point, 0 С — 1360;
The coefficient of thermal expansion in the temperature range 20… 100 0 С, μm / degree — 13.46;
Coefficient of thermal conductivity, W / megade — 12,5;
Modulus of elasticity, GPa — 210.
Basic mechanical characteristics of the alloy:
The limit of time resistance. MPa — 757;
Yield strength, MPa — 383;
Relative elongation at tension,% — 47;
Hardness according to Brinell, HB, not more — 212.
Technological features of the alloy: machinability is good (for machining it is recommended to use water-based cooling liquids). The temperature range of forging is 8850… 1145 0 С. Weldability is possible using arc welding with tungsten, screened by metal arc welding, submerged arc welding and gas arc welding methods.
Company Avecglob proposes to purchase at a reasonable price of the manufacturer sheet or tape from the alloy Inconel 706® (Alloy 706). The supplier makes immediate delivery of the products to any point agreed by the customer.