Foil stainless

General characteristics
For details virtually all types of foil stainless steel is used as corrosion protection, as a reliable insulation material during heat treatment, if required by the technology of production. Today, the greatest demand is for the thinnest foil, because it is very convenient for practical application. Such a foil can be safely cut with scissors. During increase of temperature, it protects the components from corrosive media. It can be divided into foil reusable and disposable. The first often comes in rolls, envelopes or bags. The parameters can be very different.
Some details on the technology are subject to decarburization or oxidation, which affects their strength. To maintain the required quality of material, it can be wrapped up a foil. As the temperature increases, oxygen starts to react only with the surface of the foil, thereby reducing to a minimum the oxidation of the part. A workpiece such protection put in oven. Because the foil is very thin, it does not interfere with heat treatment. Further detail in the special environment is hardening, after which the foil is removed. Today any industry can not do without the use of stainless foil. First and foremost is automotive, aircraft, electrical industry, instrument making, food industry.
The foil is made of stainless steel according to the following GOST: 19904−74, 5582−75 (thin sheet). Uses the following brand: 20Х23Н13, 12X21H5T, 08X17H5M3, 09H15N8YU, 20KH13N4G9, 12H13, 20X13, 12H18N10T, 20H23N18. Each of the sheets passes through several stages of treatment aimed at enhancing its strength properties, ductility, durability. Sheet stamps 20Х23Н13 can be operated at temperatures up to 1000 °C in lightly condition.
Buy at best price
The company «AVEK global» offers the most optimal conditions for the implementation of stainless foil. The prices are formed taking into account technological features of production, the additional costs are not included. We offer excellent conditions of purchase for retail customers, and for large-scale production. See the catalog of products, view our price list and get the information you can on our website. Online-consultant is always at your service and will answer all your questions. We are waiting for your orders — Internet address in the contact section.