Alloy VD-25 - Cw75 sheet, rod

Supplier — AvekGlob Company — offers at a reasonable price from the manufacturer a sheet and rod made of copper-tungsten alloy VD-25 (CW75). The supplier guarantees the timely delivery of products to any address specified by the consumer.
Technical specifications
The alloy VD-25 (and its closest foreign analogue CW75) belongs to the number of heat-resistant copper-tungsten alloys. They are produced by pressing, sintering and melting tungsten with copper or silver. This gives the final product the required accuracy with minimal porosity. This alloy is well suited for machining carbide matrices, and also provides greater stability when cutting refractory metals and alloys.
Urgency of application
Alloy VD-25 (CW75) is used for banding and making inserts for end-welding and electric-diesing stamps, projection welding electrodes, welded seams, it is often used for manufacturing electrodes of electro-erosion equipment that is used in processes with large tool wear (grooving, small diameter and narrow slits). Electrodes produced from this alloy are characterized by reduced porosity, high accuracy and operational durability. The alloy is used in processing technology of carbide matrices, providing greater stability in cutting and other machining operations of refractory metals and alloys.
Chemical composition
The composition of the tungsten-copper alloy VD-25 (CW80) is 75% tungsten and 25% copper. Traces of iron and nickel are allowed.
Physical and mechanical properties
- Density, kg / m 3 — 14500;
- Hardness by Rockwell (scale B) — 90;
- Coefficient of thermal conductivity, W / megade — 48;
- Yield strength, MPa — 310;
- The limit of time resistance, MPa — 621.
Assortment and application features
The sheet and rod of a tungsten-copper alloy of the brand VD-25 (CW75) are produced by powder metallurgy methods: pressing, sintering and diffusion of tungsten with copper or silver, in any assortment of thickness and diameter of the cross-section. Mechanical processing corresponds to the regimes for cast iron. The use of cutting fluids is not required. The material allows a surface coating of silver or copper, soldered in an atmosphere of hydrogen. In the processes of electro-erosion treatment, the alloy withstands the erosive effects of short-circuits much better than other materials.
Supplier — AvekGlob Company — offers to buy at affordable prices from producers a sheet or rod made of tungsten-copper alloy VD-25 (CW75), in a wide range of cross sections and cross-sections. Products can be bought at a price formed on the basis of European and world standards of production. Implementation is possible in bulk and retail, for regular customers, a flexible system of discounts operates.