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Nichrome wire ХН70Ю - 2.4872

AvecGlob offers to buy at affordable prices from manufacturers wire made of precision nichrome alloy grade HN70YU (2.4872). The supplier guarantees the prompt delivery of products to any address specified by the consumer.
Composition and application
The high-temperature nickel-chromium alloy KhN70YU and its European analogue — alloy 2.4872 belong to the group of thermoelectric materials used for the manufacture of surface-mounted resistors with low electrical resistance, automatic potentiometers, consumer electronics, test electrical installations, automatic control, etc.
The resistance of the alloys in question depends on their thickness. Precision alloys of grades ХН70Ю (2.4872) are used practically in all industries, but mainly in the automotive and aerospace, petrochemical, analytical, technological engineering, railway technology, as well as in instrumentation and control devices, with moderate mechanical loads.
The chemical composition of the alloy ХН70Ю, which is regulated by the technical requirements of GOST 5632−72, is presented in the table (numerical data — in percent, nickel-base):
Fe | C | Si | Mn | S | P | Cr | Ce | Al | Cu | Ba |
Not more than 1 | Not more than 0.1 | Not more than 0.8 | Not more than 0.3 | Not more than 0.012 | Not more than 0.015 | 26… 29 | Not more than 0.03 | 2.8… 3.5 | Not more than 0.07 | Not more than 0.1 |
Wire at cheaper prices from manufacturers of wire from heat-resistant nickel-chromium alloys HN70YU or 2.4872 is offered by AvekGlob. The supplier ensures guaranteed delivery of products to any point set by the client.
Basic physical characteristics of the alloy:
Density, kg / m 3 — 7900;
Melting point, 0 С — 1390;
Specific electrical resistance, MΩ — 1.310 6 ;
Specific heat capacity, kJ / kggrad — 460;
Coefficient of thermal expansion, μm / degree — 21.
Basic mechanical characteristics;
The limit of time resistance, MPa — 1000;
Yield strength, MPa — 640;
Coefficient of relative elongation at tension,% — 15;
Relative narrowing of the cross-sectional area,% — 42;
Hardness according to Brinell, HB, no more than 141.
The technological feature of alloys is their limited weldability.
Avec Glob company sells wire from nichrome alloys of grades ХН70Ю and 2.4872 at reasonable prices from manufacturers. The supplier makes immediate shipment of products to any point. stipulated by the customer.