Seamless stainless pipe

General characteristics
Seamless pipe does not have the spiral or longitudinal seam. They are produced by rolling on rolling mills. These are widely demanded in transport engineering. aviation, energy, oil, chemical industry, in utilities. Hot rolled pipe is subjected to rolling in a hot condition. Cold-rolled after hot rolling are further processed in cold condition.
According to GOST 28548−90 seamless steel pipe according to the method of production are divided into:
1. Hot-deformed (subjected to pressure treatment at temperatures above the recrystallization temperature) GOST 8731−74 and GOST 8732−78include:
— Gorjachekatanye
— HR
— Hot-pressed.
2.Warm (subjected to pressure treatment at a temperature below the recrystallization temperature) GOST 8733−74include:
— Toplocatie
— Talamante
3. Cold-drawn (obtained by cold deformation) GOST 8733−74; GOST 8734−75include:
— Cold-drawn
— Tsentrobezhnolityh.
The construction of pipelines, boilers, parts of engines and turbines, design. Seamless pipe is stronger and more reliable weld. Qualities such as high wear resistance, long service life, high-quality material ensure reliable operation in difficult conditions. The variety of settings gives a wide choice. For example, for water and pipelines operating under high pressure, use the highest thickness.
1. Seamless steel tubes gorjachekatanye, hot rolled, gorjacheotsinkovannyj
Use the following steel grades: 10, 20, 35, 45, 10G2, 20X, 40X, 30KHGSA, 15KHM, 15H5, 15H5M, 12X8. GOST 8731−74 reglamentary technical requirements for such products, separating them into three groups A, B and C (in increasing order of quality). Most commonly requested group, normalized on the chemical and mechanical properties of steel. They have high resistance to corrosion, can be used in contact with chemical environments. Outer diameter: within 25−530 mm (stock pipe to 426 mm), they are distinguished also by manufacturing precision of the outer ∅ — normal or increased accuracy. Wall: 2.5 — 75 mm. Can be thick — or thin-walled. First have a thickness 12,5−40 mm, and thin -6−12.5 mm). Length: random 4 — 12,5 m or graduated within random. Price: from 28 000 rubles/ton
2. Seamless steel tubes cold rolled, cold drawn. GOST 8734−75
Sand through their superior characteristics xholodnodeformirovannye pipe is more hot.
3. Seamless steel tubes toplocatie, talamante.
Materialproperty and alloy steel grades: 10, 20, 35, 45, 15HM. Outer diameter: 8−450 mm (usually up to Ø 250mm). The most commonly sold pipe, Ø up to 140 mm. which Стенка0.08 — 20 mm (depending on the ratio of the wall thickness and diameter are separated into four groups: highly thick-walled, thick-walled, thin-walled, very thin. length of tubes in random 1.5 to 11.5 m; measuring from 4.5 to 9 m. Price: from 30 000 RUB./
Buy at best price
Seamless pipe hot rolled and cold rolled of all sizes and diameter with any wall thickness directly from the company’s warehouse delivery to any region of the country. Seamless pipes by domestic manufacturers, which are used in a variety of industries: engineering, shipbuilding, car building, petrochemical, defense systems, electrical plants, geological exploration and coal mining. All kinds of pipes features a high quality, guaranteed reliability and durability. For wholesale orders the company is practicing flexible system of discounts.
GOST 8732−78 seamless steel Pipes hot-deformed. Assortment
GOST 8734−75 seamless steel Tubes cold deformed. Assortment
The GOST 8731−87 seamless hot deformed steel Pipes. Specifications
GOST 8733−74 seamless steel Tubes cold and warm.