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- 79NM
Wire, round, rod 79NM - magnifer 7904

General characteristics
Brand 79NM contains 78,5−80% Ni, the remainder iron. Has a high resistivity, durability in aggressive environments. To enhance the electromagnetic qualities of its alloyed with other elements such as chromium, copper, molybdenum. Melting is carried out in vacuum or neutral gas. Bars of this steel belong to the category of stainless steel products. Rod 79NM has a small cross-section and fixed length. The wire used in the welding of Nickel steels. The range is widely used energy, chemical, textile and metallurgical industry.
Rod, round, wire brand 79NM — the most popular products of this rental. They have today the widest scope as part of the electrical structures used by engineering and energy. Steel 79Н very difficult to weld, so to strengthen the seam produced heat treatment and final annealing. The lifetime of such products is very large, but at high temperatures (900°C) is significantly reduced.
Buy at best price
LLC «AVEK global» sells high-quality metal on the most favorable terms, including products from Nickel alloys standard or custom sizes. All the products of our company are certified and delivered directly from the manufacturer. In addition, we carry out the implementation of welding wires and precision alloy at wholesale price. Implementation of orders in the shortest possible time. Wholesale buyers are offered preferential discounts.