Welding of nickel alloys with Hastelloy

Are you interested in welding of nickel alloys by Hastelloy from the supplier company AvecGlob? Here you will find interesting information on this topic.
Welding electrodes made of Hastelloy alloy — properties
Nickel alloy HASTELLOY® C-276 is used for gas welding, electric welding by non-consumable tungsten electrode, and also in welding processes under a layer of flux. A wire made of this alloy is suitable not only for the permanent connection of nickel alloys with each other, but also for surface steaming of steels, when it is required to increase their corrosion resistance. Less often welding with electrodes from HASTELLOY® C-276 alloy is used for welding alloys based on nickel, chromium and molybdenum, as well as stainless steels.
The wire from the alloy in question is more often used in automated welding technologies, because it should be smoothly fed through welding equipment: in this case, the wear of the welding tip is reduced.
Composition (numerical data — in percent) and properties of welding wire from Hastelloy alloy
Nickel | The basis |
Chromium | 14.5−16.5 |
Molybdenum | 15.0−17.0 |
Iron | 4.0−7.0 |
Tungsten | 3.0−4.5 |
Cobalt | Not more than 2.5 |
Manganese | Not more than 1.0 |
Copper: | Not more than 0.50 |
Other | Not more than 0.50 |
Vanadium | Not more than 0.35 |
Carbon | Not more than 0.02 |
Sulfur | Not more than 0.03 |
Phosphorus | Not more than 0.04 |
Silicon | Not more than 0.08 |
Mechanical properties: the ultimate strength is 690 MPa, the elongation is 30%.
Supplier — AvekGlob Company — offers at a reasonable price from the manufacturer a wide range of welded structures of nickel-base alloys welded with Hastelloy alloy. The supplier guarantees the timely delivery of products to any address specified by the consumer.
Features of Hastelloy welding
Most welding methods are determined by the two main properties of nickel alloys — their low thermal conductivity, and the slow formation of a bath with a liquid metal. Low thermal conductivity means that heat does not dissipate easily. Another way to say that heat is very easy to grow. Therefore, when welding Hastelloy it is necessary to use cooling liners, which are located on the opposite side of the welding electrode.
The slow formation of the melt is eliminated by using argon under increased pressure, which covers the weld zone and protects the welded materials from high-temperature oxidation by air oxygen, which is especially necessary when welding nickel alloys with ordinary steels. This keeps the temperature of the welding electrode in the desired range, and allows using relatively small welding currents in Hastelloy welding. As a result, the deformations of the welded parts in the zone of the finished weld are also reduced.
The welding technology using welding wires from Hastelloy is based on the use of arc characteristics, stabilization of the weld pool, and timely heat removal. The process is called K-TIG, it is used for welding materials with reduced conductivity, such as stainless steels, nickel alloys, titanium alloys.
Supplier — AvekGlob Company — offers to purchase various welded constructions from nickel alloys, which are welded with the help of Hastelloy type alloys. Products can be bought at a price formed on the basis of European and world standards of production. Implementation is possible in bulk and retail, for regular customers, a flexible system of discounts operates.