
Are you interested in the general characteristics of titanium alloys from the supplier company AvecGlob? Here you will find interesting information on this topic /
General Provisions
Due to its unprecedented strength, lightness, stable and non-aggressive characteristics, titanium has become an excellent metal for the aerospace industry, medicine, leisure industry and consumer products, particularly bicycles. Moreover, the automotive industry has determined that the use of titanium for connecting rods and moving parts has resulted in significant fuel efficiency.
The field of application of titanium and titanium alloys
Titanium alloys can be divided into three main groups: corrosion-resistant alloys, high-strength alloys and high-temperature alloys.
Titanium — light metal (density — 4,5 g / cm 3), durable and resistant to corrosion. Titanium has a high resistance to heat with a melting point up to 1668 ° C; its melting point is higher than that of steel. Although the thermal conductivity of titanium is almost the same as that of stainless steel, the mass of titanium billet of certain dimensions is almost half of the same workpiece, but of stainless steel. Titanium is also non-toxic, and is often used in the manufacture of jewelry and jewelry.
Supplier — AvekGlob Company — offers various titanium alloys at an affordable price from the manufacturer. The supplier guarantees the timely delivery of products to any address specified by the consumer.
General characteristics of titanium alloys
The main titanium alloy is the alloy of the «titanium-aluminum-vanadium» system, which, because of their favorable properties, is used in the aviation and automotive industries.
Titanium alloys are divided into deformable and foundry. Three groups of titanium alloys are used:
Corrosion-resistant alloys;
High-strength alloys;
High-temperature alloys.
Types of titanium alloys
Three structural types of titanium alloys are produced:
1. Alpha-alloys that are not subjected to heat treatment and, as a rule, are very well welded. They have low and medium strength, good toughness and good ductility, including at cryogenic temperatures. Higher-alloy alpha-alloys provide optimal long-term strength (creep) and oxidation resistance.
2. Alpha-beta alloys are heat treated, and most of them have good weldability. The level of their strength — from medium to high. Their high-temperature properties are good, but the creep strength is lower than in most alpha-alloys.
3. Beta or beta alloys — are easily thermally processed, have good weldability, high strength and good creep resistance to intermediate temperatures. Beta-alloys have increased plasticity.
Supplier — AvekGlob Company — offers to purchase a different range of titanium alloys. Products can be bought at a price formed on the basis of European and world standards of production. Implementation is possible in bulk and retail, for regular customers, a flexible system of discounts operates.