Gas welding of brasses

Are you interested in gas welding of brass alloys from the supplier company AvecGlob? Here you will find the necessary information on this topic.
Features of gas welding
Gas-acetylene welding of all copper alloys is complicated by the fact that copper conducts heating faster than any other industrially used metal. Therefore, the place of welding will be very easy to oxidize. This complicates the work of the welder, since the welding site becomes very fragile.
The melting point is relatively low, but because of the high thermal conductivity of brass, the diameter of the welding electrode is increased. The very process of gas welding is carried out with great care, since at high temperature the metal is destroyed both directly in the weld zone, at some distance from it.
Brass is prepared for welding in the same way as other copper alloys. The edges of the joined products must be prepared in the form of the letter V, and the metal is thoroughly cleaned. Brass should be pre-heated to prevent the formation of cracks or deformations, due to the high conductivity of the metal. This will greatly facilitate the operation of gas-acetylene welding.
The main problem with gas welding of brass alloys is maintaining the ductility at the required level. A special welding wire is needed, which should contain an element that counteracts the effect of oxygen on the alloy. At any time, the cone should not be in direct contact with the metal. Sometimes, in the repair industry, diffusion metallization is used, and melt the desired chemical composition to the desired location, following the same general rules as when soldering ductile iron.
Supplier — AvekGlob Company — offers to purchase assortment of various brass alloys of domestic and foreign production. Products can be bought at a price formed on the basis of European and world standards. Implementation is possible in bulk and retail, for regular customers, there is a flexible system of discounts
Gas-acetylene welding of brass
Brasses are alloys of copper with metals that have a lower melting point, in particular zinc, tin, etc. Due to the difference in these temperatures, great care must be exercised when welding, so as not to greatly alter the characteristics of the metal by heating these alloys.
The metal must be prepared for welding as well as any other, with extreme caution in the process settings to prevent displacement of the joined products during welding and to prevent thermal shocks in adjacent areas. It is necessary to maintain the gap between the tip of the electrode and the metal surface, the touch is eliminated.
For repair purposes, brass is often used in the restoration of products where the weld should be of almost the same color and the same material as the metal. The material of the welding electrode must have a significant thermal stability in order to reduce its burnup during the welding process.
Supplier — AvekGlob Company — offers various types of products from brass alloys of domestic and foreign production, which meets the requirements of standards. The products are offered at affordable prices from the manufacturer. The supplier guarantees timely delivery of products to any address specified by the consumer.