Marking of nickel alloys

Are you interested in marking nickel alloys from the supplier company AvecGlob? Here you will find interesting information on this topic /
Marking of alloys of domestic production
The assortment of nickel alloys is established in GOST 492−2006 (pure nickel and copper-nickel alloys) and GOST 19241−2016 (nickel and low-alloyed nickel alloys).
Alloys are labeled according to:
The method of obtaining an alloy (casting, pressure or powder metallurgy methods);
Properties of the alloy (heat-resistant, heat-resistant or alloys with special performance characteristics);
Areas of predominant use (alloys are usually considered separately for parts of power equipment, alloys for aircraft and jet engines, alloys for medical and biological applications).
In general, the principle of doped steels with the same letter designation (for nickel — H) is left for marking. At the same time, for the special nickel alloys, there are also other letters for the designation of nickel alloys: for heat-resistant and heat-resistant alloys, ZhS (at the beginning of the symbol), for alloys obtained from metal powders, the designation P (at the end of the brand), for alloys obtained from crystallization Melts are the designations of MONO (single crystal) or NK (directional crystallization), which are added after the basic designation of the nickel alloy.
Supplier — AvekGlob Company — offers a wide range of nickel alloys at reasonable prices from the manufacturer. The supplier guarantees the timely delivery of products to any address specified by the consumer.
Marking of nickel alloys of foreign production
Nickel alloys are designated by different designation systems, but alloys are usually identified according to their trade names. There are four main groups of nickel alloys: commercially pure nickel alloys, nickel-copper alloys, nickel-chromium-iron alloys without heat treatment and nickel-chromium-iron-based alloys with thermal treatment.
Commercially pure nickel alloys — these alloys contain at least 99% nickel. Three-digit numbers (2xx, 3xx) are used as trade names for commercial nickel. Alloys are characterized by very good corrosion resistance and high ductility.
Nickel-copper alloys. These alloys contain about 30% of copper, which forms a solid solution with nickel. The accepted trade name of nickel-copper alloys is Monel. Nickel-copper alloy, containing aluminum and titanium as additional alloying elements (Monel K-500), undergoes thermal treatment and can be strengthened due to hardening.
Non-alloyed nickel-chromium-iron alloys (Incoloy). The main alloying elements of these alloys (15−22% chromium and up to 46% iron) form a solid solution with nickel. Unalloyed nickel-chromium-iron alloys are identified in accordance with their trade names: Inconel, Incoloy and Hastelloy.
Thermally treated nickel-chromium-iron alloys (Nimonic type alloys).
These alloys can be strengthened due to hardening due to the presence of additional alloying elements: aluminum, titanium, silicon. Nimonic, Inconel X-750, Udimet, Waspaloy, Rene and Astroloy are among the trade names for thermally treated nickel and chromium based alloys.
Supplier — AvekGlob Company — offers to purchase various brands of nickel alloys. Products can be bought at a price formed on the basis of European and world standards of production. Implementation is possible in bulk and retail, for regular customers, a flexible system of discounts operates.