Welding of steel with brass

Are you interested in the technology of welding steel with brass from the supplier company AvecGlob? Here you will find the necessary information on this topic.
General Provisions
In the conventional sense of this word, welding of steel and brass is impossible, since brass has a much lower melting point than steel. Therefore, the traditional processes of «fusion welding» will not work.
You can «solder» brass to steel, using special solders, as a «filler», but this is usually not done because of practical problems. For example, the melting point of brass is such that an intense burnup of zinc, which is part of this alloy, takes place. Therefore, brass and steel are usually brazed using alloys based on silver and copper-zinc.
These alloys have a lower working rate than most brands of brass. It is also possible to use alloys based on a copper-silver-phosphor alloy or «solder» from zinc tin.
The methods of «solid-state welding» can be used for joining with steel, but this is limited to very specific applications. Some of these are discussed below.
Supplier — AvekGlob Company — offers to purchase assortment of various brass alloys of domestic and foreign production. Products can be bought at a price formed on the basis of European and world standards. Implementation is possible in bulk and retail, for regular customers, a flexible system of discounts operates.
Mechanical welding methods
Friction welding, or contact welding, can be used to connect brass pipes and / or shafts with steel. Explosive welding can be used to connect a sheet of brass with a steel plate. Forging welding is possible between bulk steel and brass metal rolling.
Steel forging technology with brass
Preliminarily adjust the air pressure in the forge furnace to 10… 12 kPa, which allows the working space to warm up well. This pressure is maintained in the future at a constant level.
The anvil is heated by forging it or by heating a large piece of steel and laying it on a support. You can also place a small amount of forging flux there.
Brass and steel are heated, and the limiting temperature is the heating temperature of brass, at which the thermal decomposition of zinc, entering with its composition, does not yet begin. The forging area is limited to a size sufficient to connect both parts together.
After preparation, the materials are placed on the anvil and heated with burners. No part of the blanks to be joined should be on refractory bricks. The flame zone should be located from the bottom.
When the preforms reach the required temperature, both parts to be welded are removed from the heating zone, they are laid on the heated anvil and the hammer blows are pre-forged in the presence of welding fluxes. After that, the heating process and the connections are repeated. The finished seam should be clean and not have welding lines.
In addition to forging, steel with brass can be welded using electron-beam welding technology.
Supplier — AvekGlob Company — offers various types of products from brass alloys of domestic and foreign production, which meets the requirements of standards. The products are offered at affordable prices from the manufacturer. The supplier guarantees timely delivery of products to any address specified by the consumer.