Billets of alloy grade. Requirements for the quality of certified products.

Are you interested in GOST 5.1753−72 from the supplier AvecGlob? Here you will find interesting information on this topic.
general information
GOST 5.1753−72 (currently — inactive) determines the chemical composition and properties of the chromium-nickel alloy of the brand KhN77TYUR, additionally doped with titanium and boron. The alloy is used as a heat-resistant material for various applications — springs, turbine blades, discs, rings, forgings and semi-finished products used in the production of mainly power engineering products. The alloy ХН77ТЮР is supplied in the assortment of bulk (rod, wire), sheet (sheet, strip) and tube rolled products. The recommended temperature limit for the use of products that are made of this alloy is up to 700… 750 0 С.
Chemical composition
It is shown in the table (nickel — base):
Chemical element | Aluminum | Bor | Carbon | Cerium | Chromium | Iron | Manganese | Silicon | Titanium | Lead |
Content in the alloy,% | 0.6… 1.0 | Up to 0,01 | To 0.07 | Up to 0.02 | 19… 22 | Up to 1 | Up to 0.4 | Up to 0,6 | 2.4… 2.8 | Up to 0,01 |
As the metallurgical admixtures, the presence of phosphorus (not more than 0.015%) and sulfur (not more than 0.007%) is allowed. The addition of lead and boron increases the plasticity of the alloy, the limitation of sulfur is associated with a reduction in the possible brittleness of the material during its heat treatment.
Supplier — AvekGlob Company — offers at reasonable prices from the manufacturer the chromium-nickel alloy of the brand KhN77TYUR, in a wide range of profiles that meets the technical requirements of GOST 5.1753−72. The supplier guarantees the timely delivery of products to any address specified by the consumer.
Physical and mechanical properties of the alloy
Density, kg / m 3 (in the temperature range 20… 800 0 С, respectively) — 8200… 7920;
The coefficient of thermal conductivity in the temperature range stated above, W / m x degree — 13… 28;
The coefficient of thermal expansion, μm / deg — 11,6… 15.5;
Modulus of elasticity, GPa — 196… 128;
The limit of the time resistance at room temperature, MPa — 930… 1080;
Yield strength, MPa — 540… 690;
Relative elongation,% — 30… 10.
Technological features of alloy ХН77ТЮР: mechanical machinability — satisfactory. Weldability — limited (it is recommended to apply the technology of manual arc welding). The alloy is amenable to heat treatment. It is recommended to perform plastic deformation at temperatures of preforms heating 900… 1100 0 С.
Supplier — AvekGlob Company — offers to purchase chromium-nickel high-temperature alloy ХН77ТЮР, alloyed with titanium and boron, in a wide range of sizes and profiles. The alloy meets the technical requirements of GOST 5.1753−72. Products can be bought at a price formed on the basis of European and world standards of production. Implementation is possible in bulk and retail, for regular customers, a flexible system of discounts operates.