Heat treatment of nickel alloys

Are you interested in heat treatment of nickel alloys from the supplier company AvecGlob? Here you will find interesting information on this topic /
Basic Processes
Nickel alloys can be subjected to one or more of five basic types of heat treatment, depending on the chemical composition, manufacturing requirements and intended maintenance.
These methods include:
Annealing. Heat treatment designed to produce a recrystallized grain structure and softening in hardened alloys.
Typically, annealing requires temperatures from 705 to 1205 ° C, depending on the composition of the alloy and the degree of hardening.
Leave for stress relief. Heat treatment used to remove or reduce stresses without obtaining a recrystallized grain structure. The zone of optimal temperatures is from 425 to 870 o C, depending on the composition of the alloy and the degree of hardening.
Low-temperature annealing is a heat treatment used to balance stresses in a cold workpiece without appreciably reducing the mechanical strength produced by cold working.
Aging. Type of heat treatment, intended for the withdrawal of carbides into a solid solution. Processing is carried out at temperatures from 425 to 870 ° C on certain alloys in order to achieve maximum strength by precipitation of the dispersed phase throughout the matrix.
Supplier — AvekGlob Company — offers at a reasonable price from the manufacturer a diverse range of nickel-based alloys. The supplier guarantees the timely delivery of products to any address specified by the consumer.
Heat treatment of nickel alloys
Nickel and nickel alloys that have been hardened during cold plastic deformation require annealing before the cold treatment is continued. Differences in the chemical composition of nickel and nickel alloys require modification of annealing temperatures, as well as in furnace atmospheres.
Alloys hardened by precipitation must be cooled rapidly after annealing, since this requires minimum hardness. Three kinds of annealing are used: open, closed and annealed in a salt bath.
The temperatures required for soft annealing of nickel alloys are large enough to cause slight surface oxidation if the materials do not heat up in a vacuum or in a furnace with a reducing atmosphere. Nickel alloys containing chromium, titanium and aluminum form a thin oxide film. Even if oxidation does not matter, the furnace atmosphere must be reducing and with a minimum sulfur content.
The protective atmosphere most commonly used for heating nickel and nickel alloys is that the ratio between the fuel and air supplied to the burners directly entering the furnace is controlled.
Nickel alloys are usually cooled in sealed wells. There the parts should be freely packaged, but at the same time have a minimum space. Electric furnaces provide an optimum temperature uniformity of ± 6 ° C and the freedom from contamination required for this job. To obtain satisfactory results, it is possible to use gas-heated furnaces, in particular the type of a radiating tube.
Supplier — AvekGlob Company — offers to purchase various brands of nickel alloys. Products can be bought at a price formed on the basis of European and world standards of production. Implementation is possible in bulk and retail, for regular customers, a flexible system of discounts operates.