Bronze welding technology

Are you interested in welding bronze from the supplier company AvecGlob? Here you will find the necessary information on this topic.
Bronze welding, sometimes called welding with solder, uses bronze rods for filling two metal parts. The process is different from soldering, because it heats the metal surfaces and melt them a little, so that they mix with bronze and create a stronger weld seam. Thin bronze objects can be connected together by means of gas shielding and the use of electric welding.
Preparing for welding
Using the TIG method, bronze welding is conducted by electric current. The kit should include a tungsten non-consumable electrode and a chamber for protective gas (argon, carbon dioxide or helium). Oxygen-acetylene burners are an option for making a weaker weld in a process known as soldering, which should not be confused with welding. With this connection, only the filler rod melts, and not the surface metal.
The role of gas in welding
Protective gas protects the material from the environment. Oxygen and water vapor entering the weld seam severely weaken its strength. It is acceptable to use argon in combination with some amount of helium (depending on the depth of the weld). Pure argon is used for welds up to two millimeters thick. The thicker the welding, the more helium should be in the gas.
Surfacing wire
Filling rods are used to create a weld seam. For bronze welding, you use a bronze wire, but with the addition of aluminum, tin and some other metals. Aluminum additives are used for tight-fitting joints, and with the addition of tin — for welding dissimilar metals.
Supplier — AvekGlob Company — offers to purchase assortment of various bronze alloys of domestic and foreign brands. Products can be bought at a price formed on the basis of European and world standards. Implementation is possible in bulk and retail, for regular customers, a flexible system of discounts operates.
Welding fluxes
Flux is a substance that cleans metal, protects it and facilitates the transfer of heat. When using a TIG welding machine, flux is not required for welding, but it can be used to clean the weld zone. When using gas flame welding, flux is necessary to protect the metal from oxides.
Produced in a well-ventilated area. The surface of the metal is cleaned of oxides, lubricants and oils. For this, degreasing technology is used, and rust and oxides can be removed by etching in strong acid, for example, in hydrochloric acid. To remove dirt, mechanical abrasive cleaning is used. The acid residues are removed by washing the blanks in warm water.
The sequence of the
When using a flux, it must be evenly distributed along the surface. The more the welding part and surfacing rod, the more flux is needed,
When welding TIG, small currents are used — no more than 90… 95 A. The direct current is more often used, although it is better to weld aluminum bronze on alternating current. Before welding, the weld zone should be warmed evenly, using an arc torch. After the end of welding, the seam is cooled, after which it is cleaned of the grate and flux residues.
Supplier — AvekGlob Company — offers various types of rolled and cast bronze from domestic and foreign production. The products are offered at affordable prices from the manufacturer. The supplier guarantees the timely delivery of products to any address specified by the consumer.