Interesting about bronze

All the interesting things about bronze you will find on this site. Supplier Avek Global proposes to buy bronze of domestic and foreign production at an affordable price in a wide range. We will ensure the delivery of products to any point of the continent. The price is optimal.
Historical reference
Bronze (an alloy consisting of copper and tin) has not only a narrow historical interest, but today it is widely used. The beginning of the use of bronze products dates back to the 4th millennium BC, although it was probably used before… The copper-tin ratios varied widely (from 67 to 95 percent of copper in the surviving artifacts), but in medieval European sources Other figures So, the alloy described in the Greek manuscript of the 11th century in the library of St. Mark, Venice, bronze is called an alloy of copper, which contains one pound of copper to two ounces of tin. Some modern bronzes do not contain tin at all, it is replaced by other metals, such as aluminum, manganese and even zinc.
Products from bronze
A bronze rod of circular cross section, found in the pyramid at Maidum near Memphis in Egypt, the date of manufacture is about 3700 BC. Supplier Avek Global proposes to buy bronze alloys of domestic and foreign production at an affordable price in a wide range. We will ensure the delivery of products to any point of the continent. The price is optimal.
Technical specifications
Bronze also easily melts, has good casting properties, minimal shrinkage. The alloy is softer than pure iron, but is much more resistant to corrosion. The so-called bell-metal, characterized by its high sound quality at impact, is a bronze with a high content of tin (not less than 20−25%). Sculptural bronze with contains tin less than 10% and impurities of zinc and lead. In addition to traditional use in weapons or tool production, bronze was also widely used in coinage, jewelry, jewelry production. Replacement of bronze for iron in guns and weapons from about 1000 BC. became a turning point in the development of the social sphere and military affairs.
Phosphor bronze
A small amount of phosphorus to the basic composition of bronze. improves the parameters of hardness and strength. Phosphorous bronze can contain 1… 2% phosphorus in the ingot, but its strength, however, increases for applications such as plunger pumps, valves and bushings.
Alloying with manganese
Also useful in engineering are manganese bronzes, in which, with a small amount of tin (or complete absence of tin), there may be a significant amount of zinc and up to 4.5% manganese.
Doping with aluminum
Aluminum bronzes containing up to 16% aluminum and small amounts of other metals, such as iron or nickel, are particularly strong and corrosion-resistant; they can be cast or forged into fittings, pump parts, gears, ship propellers and turbine blades.
Buy. Supplier, price
All the interesting things about bronze you will find on this site. Supplier Avek Global proposes to buy bronze alloys of domestic and foreign production at an affordable price in a wide range. We will ensure the delivery of products to any point of the continent. The price is optimal. We invite you to partner cooperation.