Production of bronze wire

Are you interested in bronze wire from the supplier company AvecGlob? Here you will find the necessary information on this topic.
General information
Bronze wire (mainly from phosphorous bronze) is widely used in industry for the manufacture of springs. Such wire has good strength and electrical conductivity at a reasonable price.
There are three classes of bronze wire. Class A occupies an intermediate position between brass and beryllium copper for properties such as heat resistance and fatigue strength. The production of such a wire is made by the method of repeated cold drawing on drums. Phosphorous bronze of class C serves as a raw material for making a wire of higher strength, while the plastic indices of the material do not decrease significantly.
A higher content of tin makes it easier to process and thereby increase the tensile strength due to hardening. The third class of bronze wire — class E — is characterized, in addition to strength, by good electrical conductivity, and therefore such wire is used primarily in the electrical industry.
An important area of application of bronze wire is soldering welding. Bronze, intended for the manufacture of welding electrodes or solders, has an increased percentage of zinc.
Supplier — AvekGlob Company — offers to purchase assortment of various diameters and brands of bronze wire. Products can be bought at a price formed on the basis of European and world standards. Implementation is possible in bulk and retail, for regular customers, a flexible system of discounts operates.
Production technology
To gradually reduce the cross-section of the starting material, a drawing technique is used, in which a material is drawn through the die. As a result, a wire of the required diameter and physical-mechanical properties is obtained.
The wire drawing process is performed at room temperature, but for a number of materials it can also be performed with their heating. Drawing a bronze wire of large cross sections requires an increase in the temperature of the initial billet.
The starting material is subjected to cleaning and degreasing, and then carried out through a die, the diameter of which is set taking into account the maximum permissible compression ratio. After drawing, the length of the coil with the wire increases, and its diameter decreases. In order to increase the productivity of drawing, the process is completely controlled by automation.
The maximum reduction in the production of bronze wire is from 25 to 50%.
Supplier — AvekGlob Company — offers different types of bronze wire, the dimensions and cleanliness of the surface which meets the technical requirements… Products are offered at affordable prices from the manufacturer. The supplier guarantees the timely delivery of products to any address specified by the consumer.