Manufacture of a bronze circle, rod

Are you interested in the production of a bronze rod and a circle from the supplier company AvecGlob? Here you will find the necessary information on this topic.
General information
Rolled profiles and forgings are made from all grades of deformable bronzes. For this, cold plastic deformation processes are used, which, depending on the grade of material, can be performed in cold or hot conditions.
Similar operations are conducted at metallurgical plants, as the raw materials for the production of bronze bars and circles are ingots. Further, these ingots are extruded / pressed, drawn or forged. For particularly hardening bronze alloys between the transitions, heat treatment operations — softening annealing are introduced.
Hot extrusion
During extrusion, the metal of the initial preform is extruded from the closed cavity through the die opening by a compressive force applied by the plunger / plunger of the press. Since only compressive stresses are applied to the metal during the process, high deformations are possible without the risk of destruction of the extruded material.
The finished product after pressing has a desired, reduced cross-sectional area, and also has a high surface quality, so further processing of the semi-finished product is not required. Extrusion products include bars of different cross sections.
The extrusion process allows the production of round, square, hexagonal profiles. According to the customer’s specifications, other cross-sectional shapes can also be obtained. Cold bronze extrusion is rare, and only for rods / circles of small cross sections.
Supplier — AvekGlob Company — offers to purchase assortment of various sizes of sections and brands of bronze rod or circle. Products can be bought at a price formed on the basis of European and world standards. Implementation is possible in bulk and retail, for regular customers, a flexible system of discounts operates.
There are two main methods of forging — in closed and open stamps. Forged bars and a circle of bronze are made by special orders, when it is required to obtain a fine-grained structure of the material, and the strength parameters of the final product must be higher than those usually obtained as a result of pressing.
In closed dies, one part of the workpiece, usually heated in an oven, is mechanically deformed by applying successive hammer strokes or continuous compression between the press jaws. The force acts on the workpiece located between two (or more) halves of the die. The metal plastically expands into the cavity formed by the matrix, and the shape of the forging is determined by the stamp engraving.
With the open forging of bronze blanks, the metal is located between the flat punches, so the flow of metal in the direction perpendicular to the direction of the deforming force is not limited by anything. The force is reduced, but the accuracy of the bar / circle surface will be worse.
The main part of bronze bars and circles is obtained by rolling. The process consists in passing a metal between two rolls, which have a compressive action, reducing the thickness of the metal. Where simple shapes are to be produced in large quantities, rolling is the most economical process. Steps are used for more complex sections of the produced bars. Mechanical strength after rolling is improved, and porosity is reduced. The hot rolled product undergoes scraping and further cold processing operations to stabilize the bronze structure.
Supplier — AvekGlob Company — offers different types of bronze bars and wheels, the size and surface cleanliness of which meets the technical requirements. Products are offered at affordable prices from the manufacturer. The supplier guarantees the timely delivery of products to any address specified by the consumer.