Table - calculation of the weight of brass wire. Dimensions and thicknesses of brass wire.

Are you interested in determining the weight of brass wire from the supplier company AvecGlob? Here you will find the necessary information on this topic.
Manufacture of brass wire
Due to their high physical and mechanical properties, wire from various brass alloys is widely used in industry, from spring parts of chemical devices to decorative fixing of furniture and interior of premises.
Brass wire of domestic production is produced according to a number of standards, the main ones being GOST 1066−90, GOST 16630−90 and GOST 12920−67. There are also numerous departmental technical conditions.
According to its consumer characteristics, the produced brass wire belongs to one of three types:
Antimagnetic, in which there is no iron;
Velozavodskaya, with a high content of silicon and zinc;
For cold disembarkation, in which aluminum is present, and the percentage of zinc does not exceed 20… 25%.
The main technology of production of brass wire is multiple cold (less often — hot) drawing. After each pass through the dies of the drawing mills, the semi-finished product is subjected to recrystallization annealing. This is done in order to remove internal stresses in the alloy, and to reduce the grain size.
The range of diameters of brass wire is determined by the technical requirements of the customer, but is usually in the range of 2… 15 mm, while wire diameter up to 10 mm is supplied only in coils, and more than 10 mm — in coils and bars.
Supplier — AvekGlob Company — offers various types of products from brass alloys of domestic and foreign production, which meets the requirements of standards. The products are offered at affordable prices from the manufacturer. The supplier guarantees the timely delivery of products to any address specified by the consumer.
Determination of the weight of brass wire
If it is necessary to perform an accurate calculation of the mass M of one running meter of brass wire,
M = γFl, where γ is the density of brass, kg / m 3, l is the length of the volume brass billet, m, and F is its cross-sectional area.
To determine F, one can use one of the following formulas:
F = 3,14 r 2 — for a wire of circular cross-section (r — radius of a wire);
F = a 2 — for a wire of square cross-section (a — side of a square);
F = 2,598a 2 or F = 0,866h 2 — for a hexagonal cross-sectional wire (a is the width of the face, h is the diameter of the circle inscribed in the hexagonal section).
The density of brass depends on the brand of billet, and for some brasses of domestic production is:
For brass stamps LAZH60−1-1, LK80−3- 8200 kg / m 3;
For brass grades L59, L60, LZHS58−1-1, LMts58−2 — 8400 kg / m 3;
For brass stamps LZhMts59−1-1, LO60−1, LO62−1, LS63−3, LS64−2 — 8500 kg / m 3;
For brass grades L68, LA77−2, LO70−1 — 8600 kg / m 3;
For brass grades L85 and L90 — respectively 8750 kg / m 3 and 8780 kg / m 3 .
Supplier — AvekGlob Company — offers to purchase assorted brass alloys of domestic and foreign production. Products can be bought at a price formed on the basis of European and world standards. Implementation is possible in bulk and retail, for regular customers, a flexible system of discounts operates.