Annealing, quenching and heat treatment of bronze

Are you interested in annealing, hardening and other types of bronze heat treatment from the supplier company AvecGlob? Here you will find the necessary information on this topic.
The main technologies of bronze thermal treatment are annealing, homogenization, hardening and tempering.
Homogenization is used to reduce segregation and corrosion found in some cast and hot treated bronze billets, mainly in those containing an increased percentage of tin. Diffusion and homogenization are slower and more difficult to occur in tin and silicon, so these alloys are usually subjected to prolonged homogenizing treatments before hot or cold working operations.
Luminophore bronzes (containing more than 8% Sn) are characterized by extreme segregation. Therefore, before the treatment, the brittle segregated tin phase is first destroyed, thereby increasing the strength and ductility, and reducing the hardness before rolling. These goals are achieved by homogenizing at a temperature of about 760 ° C. Much less often cold treatment is used.
An annealing of cold-rolled bronze is carried out by heating to a temperature that causes recrystallization, and if maximum softening is desired, by heating above the recrystallization temperature to cause grain growth. Important is the method of heating, the design of the furnace, the atmosphere of the furnace and the shape of the workpiece,
because they affect the uniformity of results, the completion and cost of annealing.
For bronze alloys, the criterion for evaluating the quality of recrystallization annealing is the grain size. Since many interacting variables affect the annealing process, it is difficult to predict a specific combination of time and temperature that will always lead to a given grain size in the alloy.
Bronze is annealed in two main ways:
- light annealing, which is carried out at a temperature slightly higher than the recrystallization temperature;
- soft annealing, which is performed several hundred degrees higher, at a temperature just below the point at which rapid growth of grain begins.
Supplier — AvekGlob Company — offers to purchase assortment of various bronze alloys of domestic and foreign brands. Products can be bought at a price formed on the basis of European and world standards. Implementation is possible in bulk and retail, for regular customers, a flexible system of discounts operates.
Stress relief in bronze blanks is aimed at reducing or eliminating residual stress, thereby reducing the likelihood that the part will not work during cracking or fatigue from corrosion during operation. A number of bronzes, in particular aluminum and silicon bronzes, can crack under critical combinations of stress and specific corrosion.
Stress relief release is performed at temperatures below the normal annealing range, which does not cause recrystallization and subsequent softening of the metal.
High strength in most grades of bronze alloys is achieved through cold working. Hardening is used to increase the mechanical strength above the levels normally obtained during cold plastic deformation.
Examples of precipitating hardening copper alloys include beryllium and silicon bronzes, as well as bronzes with an increased content of phosphorus and silicon.
Supplier — AvekGlob Company — offers various types of rolled and cast bronze from domestic and foreign production. The products are offered at affordable prices from the manufacturer. The supplier guarantees the timely delivery of products to any address specified by the consumer.