Brands of bronze. Use of bronze for nuts, bolts and hardware

Are you interested in using bronze for making bolts, nuts and other hardware from the supplier company AvecGlob? Here you will find the necessary information on this topic.
General information
Silicon bronze is used for the production of industrial fasteners. In addition to sufficient strength, siliceous bronze differs excellent resistance to corrosion, which gives its optimal use in marine applications. Although such bronze has a higher cost than some other types of bronze alloys, silicon bronze nuts and bolts are reliable and durable.
Silicon bronze alloys should be chosen based on their intended use. In particular: an alloy containing 98.5% Cu and 1.5% Si is generally best suited for indoor or slightly elevated temperatures, and an alloy with 97% Cu and 3% Si is best used for fastening, which should work at high temperatures.
Silicon bronze, which consists of 95% Cu, 3% Si, and 0.5% Pb, is a valid choice for parts that require post-machining.
Supplier — AvekGlob Company — offers to purchase assortment of various siliceous bronze alloys of domestic and foreign brands that can be used for making hardware. Products can be bought at a price formed on the basis of European and world standards. Implementation is possible in bulk and retail, for regular customers, a flexible system of discounts operates.
Advantages of fasteners and hardware made of silicon bronze
Silicon bronze cotter pins are usually preferred in the manufacture of wooden boats and in woodworking because of their high resistance to corrosion in comparison with stainless steels and higher strength compared to brass.
One of the best advantages of using fasteners made of silicon bronze is its corrosion resistance. Chloride and sulphite solutions, as well as gases, do not cause corrosion of silicon bronze nuts and bolts, so that they worsen their performance properties. Since these are alloys with excellent strength, which withstand extreme conditions, silicon bronze is often preferred to stainless steel or other materials. For this reason, silicon bronze hardware is commonly found in marine industries and in installations that are designed for the disposal and processing of waste water.
Additional benefits
The fastening of their silicon bronze is characterized by a high degree of thermal conductivity, excellent by reducing the coefficient of friction and non-magnetic properties. Their application is carried out with the help of simple spanners on the side, requiring a minimum clearance. Specialists in the field of industry and production prefer bronze staples, screws, nuts and bolts, since special machines and equipment are not needed for the installation. To reduce the risk of corrosion under stress, silicon bronze nuts and bolts that are manufactured using cold-landing technology must be annealed to relieve internal stresses.
Silicon bronze hardware is also widely used in general construction, refineries, as well as in the energy and energy industries and is similar in terms of durability and hardness of low-carbon steel.
Supplier — AvekGlob Company — offers various types of rolled products of silicon bronze of domestic and foreign production, intended for the manufacture of hardware. Products are offered at affordable prices from the manufacturer. The supplier guarantees the timely delivery of products to any address specified by the consumer.